Two-Part Strategy To Implement
Agree that there is no
'Win-Lose', there is either
'Win-Win' or 'Lose-Lose', and
chose to
think 'Win-Win'.
Introduce a universal common
enemy to be conquered (a big threat)
and launch a collaborative
inspiring and creative journey
toward a common Win-Win goal. |
The Win-Win approach to conflict
resolution produces a solution
that brings mutual need
satisfaction and is acceptable
to everyone because everybody
feels a winner.
Your proposed Win-Win
approach is to be articulated immediately when you
start talking in order to create a positive
first impression within 30 seconds:
Start your communication with such a statement: The
case is not about Me
vs. You, it is about us against a dangerous
common enemy. |
Agree to use the Win-Win
First, agree that this is the
Win-Win approach that needs to
be used. |
Agree that
there is no 'Win-Lose', there is either
'Win-Win' or 'Lose-Lose', and chose
Often, getting the other party to
agree to adopt the
Win-Win mindset is the most difficult step of this process. You
may have to take them out of their comfort zone first. Do this
creatively and gently.
It is
extremely important that the both parties of the
conflict were not forced to chose the Win-Win
approach, but did so willingly.
Sell benefits of the Win-Win approach, use the 'yes,
but' formula, be hard on
principles and soft on people... Or, better yet,
introduce a common enemy that must be conquered. |
Introduce a universal common
enemy to be conquered (a big
and launch a collaborative
inspiring and creative journey
toward a common
Win-Win goal |
A Universal Common
A crime that a small mistake can turn
if it is not corrected in time.
Play InnoBall Simulation Game
InnoBall to simulate your
common journey from the current
state to an enemy-free future.
Joint creative activities unite
people at deeper levels and make
collaboration joyful.
Perceptual Differences Into Account
The situation is the same, but each
perceives it
Develop perceptual awareness and empathy.
willing to take different perceptual positions to get a deeper
insight into driving forces, differences and synergy opportunities. |
This case is not about A vs. B,
is about A and B joining hands
to prevent a crime from being
born from a small mistake.
A mistake that is not corrected is
a real mistake... If you are not ashamed of your mistakes you
make them crimes. |
Confucius |
Boost Your
Innovative Thinking
KoRe 10 metaphoric
Innovative Thinking Tools (10KITT)
are to help you both anticipate
challenges, find creative
solutions, and turn problems to
Harmonized Synergy
Each component of a lasting peace −
all-inclusive love, the right flow of energies of Yin and Yang, and
wise strategizing and implementation − is important, yet it is their
creative integration and harmonious synergy that produces best
results. |