

No-Lose Method of Conflict Resolution

Guidelines for the Six Steps





The No-lose Method produces a solution that brings mutual need satisfaction. It is acceptable to everyone, so nobody feels a loser.


Universal Win-Win Approach to Conflict Resolution



René Descartes quotes on discovery, sicence, life

Divide problems into as many parts as possible and necessary to provide an adequate solution.

René Descartes



Guidelines for the Six Steps of the No-Lose Method

Only those people directly involved in the conflict should be included in the problem-solving.

Identifying and Defining the Problem

your statement of the problem should be expressed in a way that does not communicate blame or judgment;

ask the other to state s/his position and to get s/his feelings out, else s/he wont be ready for the remaining steps; use active listening if the other initially gets angry or defensive;

try to understand each other's feelings, listen to emotions;

define the problem in terms of conflicting needs, not conflicting solutions;

be sure both of you accept the definition of the problem.

Generating Alternative Solutions

▪ discuss to understand perceptions and assumptions;

be creative in generating possible solutions, ask 'Why? What If?' questions, waltz up with 'What If' scenarios;

suspend judgment, discourage evaluation until a number of possible solutions is proposed;

if things bog down, state the problem again.




Evaluating the Alternative Solutions

▪ take special care that both you and other are honest;

use effective techniques for fast assessment of innovative solutions, such as the 80/20 Rule and Weighted Guiding Principles (WGP)

use empathy and active listening;

if disagree, use the yes-but formula;

test solutions carefully, or you increase the chance of ending up with a poor solution.


Creative Challenges

4 Types of Problems

Problem Solving

4 Levels of Problem Solving

Holistic Creativity

6 Steps of Problem Solving Process





▪ don't make the mistake of trying to persuade or push a solution on the other – mutual benefit-based commitment to the solution is essential for its successful implementation;

▪ when you are close to a decision, state the solution and request the other party to do the same in their own words to make certain you both understand what you are about to decide.

Implementing the Solution

▪ immediately after a solution has been agreed upon, discuss its implementation in 6Ws terms: why, who, what, when, where how;

▪ show complete trust that the other will faithfully carry out the decision; don't talk about penalties for failure to implement a solution at this time;

▪ don't delay too long before confronting the other in case s/he fails to carry out tasks.

Follow-up Evaluation of the Solution

▪ after a while, ask how the other feels now about the solution;

▪ have an understanding that decisions are always open for revision, but neither of you can unilaterally modify a decision.




Problem Solving: 6 Step Process

The No-Lose Method for resolving conflicts between people is just a special application of the conventional approach to problem solving, that involves six separate steps... More


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Vadim Kotelnikov

Problems are a part of life and business. Addressing them creatively and turning them to opportunities is the art of life and business.

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