Abraham Lincoln
Failed in business in '31.
Defeated for the
legislature in '32.
Again failed in business in '34.
Sweetheart died in '35.
Had a nervous breakdown in '36.
Defeated in election in '38.
Defeated for
Congress in '43.
Defeated for Congress in '46.
Defeated for Congress in '48.
Defeated for Senate in '55.
Defeated for Vice President in '56.
Defeated for
Senate in '58.
Elected President in '60... This man was
Abraham Lincoln.
In the 1950s the Jacuzzi brothers
invented a whirlpool bath
to treat people with arthritis. Although the product worked, it didn't sell
well. Too few people in the target market, sufferers from arthritis, could
afford the expensive bath.
The Jacuzzi brothers treated that failure as a
feedback, learned from it, and re-launched the
same product for a different
– as a luxury item for
the wealthy. It became a big success.
Many costly Microsoft product failures provided the learning and opportunity for
development of many of Microsoft's biggest successes. |
Bill Gates
Micsosoft |
Examples include:
Many apparently wasted years working on a failed database
called Omega resulted in the development of the most popular desktop
database, Microsoft Access.
Millions of dollars and countless hours invested in a
joint operating system project with IBM that was discontinued led to the
operating system Windows NT.
A failed multiplan spreadsheet that made little headway
against Lotus 1-2-3 provided learning that helped in the development of
Microsoft Excel, an advanced graphic spreadsheet that leads the
"At Dell,
innovation is all
taking risks and learning from failure,"
Michael Dell, the Founder & CEO of
Dell Inc. "Today, we're well known for inventory
management, logistics,
supply chain management, and such, but that wasn't
always the case. Back in 1989, we had a very large disaster – large, at
least, for the small company we were at the time. The personal computer
industry was making the transition to a new type of memory chip, and we
found ourselves stuck with far too many of the old kind.
That was a costly
mistake, and it took us about a year to recover, but we learned from it. The
failure led us to develop a new way to manage inventory, and we went from
being last place in the minor leagues to where we now win the World Series
every year."