
Vadim Kotelnikov    

Constantly Reassess Past Decisions

Rapidly Changing Business Environment Makes Past Decisions Obsolete Rather Quickly


Business e-Coach



New Rapidly Changing Economy SWOT Analysis Learning SWOT Questions Constantly Reassess Past Decisions Change Management e-Coach Vadim Kotelnikov What Changes as a Company Grows Strategic Flexibility Reassess Past Decisions - Change Management, Learning SWOT Questions


7 Rules for Effective Reassessment

  1. Provide guiding principles and guidelines for evaluation of new ideas and changing a strategic direction

  2. Provide a framework for asking learning SWOT questions

  3. Build a mindset for continuous improvement and search for opportunities

  4. Assign cross-functional teams to reassess past decisions

  5. Create the environment where noble failures are treated as learning opportunities and a stepping stone to success

  6. Hold company-wide exercise of reassessment of past decisions and directions when a feedback from various employee groups as well as customers and partners is required

  7. Evaluate annually employee performance and give everyone within the organization a numerical ranking

10 Commandments of Innovation

  • Question everything. Question and reassess past decisions... More

Test Your Decisions Against an Ever Changing Reality

"Unless a company constantly reassesses every decision it makes and every direction it takes, it will eventually end up as road kill."1

What looks good on paper doesn't necessarily work in the real world. Especially when the real world is constantly changing.

Reality never stands still. Time erodes decisions ‒ even the most effective decisions eventually become obsolete. You must revisit periodically your decisions to see what works best in the current landscape. The disruptions of this century marketplace mean that tried and tested approaches to technology, business model, processes or market success have a short shelf-life.  As conditions change, a lot of past decisions get out of date.



"As soon as an idea is accepted it is time to reject it." ~  Jackson Holbrook


Lessons from Fastest Companies

Fastest companies credit their firm's ability to move quickly to their willingness to annually reassess everything they do, including the business they own, every decision that is made, and the validity of all executive positions.

A marketing strategy that you tested and proved to work a while ago may be a complete failure today. The competitive environment, customer perceptions, and needs change very fast today.

So, question everything, including your recent decisions.

Ask Learning SWOT Questions.

Don't be afraid of offending experts – including yourself – by questioning their logic. The true experts will appreciate your questions.


Case Studies 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

  5 Strategic Questions

Jack Welch, the legendary former CEO of General Electric (GE), urged his managers to face the reality of each morning: "Confront what the reality is today. It may be a competitive reality, or a marketing reality, but each morning is different. What was important yesterday may no longer be important today. You might make a completely different decision about a deal you agreed on yesterday or a program you started, in light of the changing environment of the last twenty-four hours. Start every day as if it were your first day on the job. Make whatever changes are necessary to improve things. Reexamine your agenda constantly. Rewrite it, if necessary. In that way, you avoid falling back on old habit."2... More

Case Studies Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab journals their failures and lessons they've learned. They maintain also a display of failed innovations and created a videotape for employee orientation.

When celebration of noble failures becomes institutionalized, people within the organization are more willing to reassess earlier decisions and take corrective measures... More

Case Studies Dell inc.

"It is really dangerous if everyone in a company starts thinking the same way", says Michael Dell5, Founder of Dell Inc.. "The danger comes when you fall into the trap of approaching problems too similarly. You can encourage your people to think about your business, your industry, your customers innovatively.

The Jazz of Innovation: 11 Practice Tips

Ask a different question – or word the same question in a different way. By approaching a problem, a response or an opportunity from a different perspective, you create an opportunity for new understanding and new learning. By questioning all the aspects of our business, we continuously inject improvement and innovation into our culture."... More


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Sometimes when you innovate,

you make mistakes.

It is best to admit them quickly.

Steve Jobs


Mark Zuckerberg business advice quotes Facebook

Don’t be burdened by what what you said about the same thing earlier. Look at your business every time with fresh eyes.

Mark Zuckerberg


1. It's not the BIG and eats the SMALL... it's the FAST that eats the SLOW, Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton

2. Jack Welch and the GE Way, Robert Slate