Turn Failures To Opportunities



Ask learning questions and emerge stronger





"There is no failure, only feedback," preaches NLP.

Great achievers fail small to succeed big on their way of making their dreams come true.

They profit from every experience and turn it to their advantage.

Do you do the same?

  How To Turn Failures to Opportuntiies


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) inspirational speaker business trainer,

Failure is a friend of a homo thinking
and an
enemy of a homo emotional.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


As an innovator, treat failures as highly valuable feedback and learning opportunities that help you correct your way towards a your stretch goal and emerge stronger.




Fail forward – learn from failures and improve instead of viewing failures as setbacks.




Donald Trump quotes

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.





How To Turn Failures To Opportunities

3 Steps




Positive Thinking SuperConscious Thinking Perceptual Positions Managing Failures Turning Failures To Opportunities Strategic Thinking Ancient Taoist Meditation Feedback Learning SWOT Questions Business Architect Customer's Perspective of Quality Thinking Outside-the-Box Change Management Competitive Strategies Supply Chain Management Fai;ure as a Stepping Stone to Success Problem Solver Failure as a Stepping Stone To Success and New Opportunities  

① Get rid of all negative emotions, treat failure as a highly useful feedback – and learn.

② Go into a fresh-start mindset – more intelligently: Given the situation you are in now as a starting point, consider various options: what opportunities for and a roadmap to ultimate success can you see or imagine?




Don't be lesser that Yourself! Take different views of the situation – and look for opportunities: Having looked at the scene from your view, look at it from different perspectives, try each of these views:

▪ a proactive futurist view;
▪ an optimist's view;
a pessimist's view;
an anarchist's view;
an architect's view;
a child's view;
▪ a strategic learner's view;
▪ a winner's view
▪ a venturepreneur's view;

an entrepreneurial strategist's view;
▪ a Napoleon view;
▪ a Thomas Edison view;



KoRe 4×2 Perceptual Positions

4 NLP Perceptual Positions

The Elephant ant Six Blind Men

Perceptions are Selective

Marketing is a Battle of Perceptions

How To Manage Perceptions

Ask Learning SWOT Questions



Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) business guru, teaching by example

Don't talk about problems,
talk about opportunities.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Usually, working harder is counter-productive if you move in a wrong direction,
you can make valuable accidental discoveries if you keep your mind open.




The Power of Burning Desire and Burning Belief

Burning desire backed by burning belief knows no such word as 'impossible'. It ensures that you continue your commitment to see your purpose through, will never give up, continue getting up stronger after falling forward, maintain your relentless-growth attitude, and continue being productively creative, entrepreneurial and victorious.


Impact Crusader

Loving Creator


Achieve Impossible

Great Achiever

Never Give Up



Vadim Kotelnikov focused daring innovator

"Focus is a compass that helps navigate towards the goal through failures."

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Freedom to fail forward inspires entrepreneurial experimentation.

Failure is not something to be afraid of or to grieve about.
Failure is something to prevent or to benefit from.




To profit from each and every experience you must be open and willing to learn, even from what some people might consider a failure.

Don't have have a narrow and negative understanding of the meaning of failure. If you tend to hide from failures, you will never create innovative breakthroughs and block valuable learning forward.

What may seem to be a failure can actually lead to new opportunities, especially if the knowledge acquired from the failed experiments or projects can be exploited.

Right learning questions can serve as a starting point for the assimilation of learning.

Changing your attitude to the entrepreneurial one is the key to finding success in seeming failure. "Optimistic thinking has sometimes gotten a bad rap as being unrealistic, but research has found that we can indeed live happier, healthier, and more successful lives if we can learn to discover opportunities in problems," says Charles C. Manz. the author of The Power of Failure. These problems then become merely challenging opportunities that we can turn to our advantage.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently," advised Henry Ford.




Failure is a friend if you can see a highly promising opportunity in it. According to Bill Gates, "Many costly Microsoft product failures provided the learning and opportunity for development of many of Microsoft's biggest successes."





Failures are lessons of wisdom. Admit to ‒ and learn from ‒ your mistakes. View noble failures positively because with the knowledge you gain from them, you are able to do better in the future.

When you fail, find the root reason, and then look forward. You cannot change the past, but the future is yet in your power.




Focus on your long-tern vision. Focus is a compass that helps you navigate towards your next goal through short-term setbacks.




Vadim Kotelnikov on how to turn failures to opportunities

Disruptive success is 99% failure forward
– learn as you go and re-emerge stronger!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


You can find the silver lining in every cloud if you treat failures as hidden opportunities to be discovered and pursued.