Leadership Skills: How To Inspire a Team  

"Remember: there are no small roles, only small actors," taught Konstantin Stanislavsky.

As a team leader, communicate an inspiring vision, create a climate for innovation, and make innovation fun. Launch a crusade and celebrate victories.




Communicate the Team Vision Statement




Team Leader quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of Innompic Games

As a Leader, you must envision the future, passionately believe that you can make a difference, and inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Formulate and communicate an inspiring team vision statement. A team vision statement can help you communicate your company's vision to the team and inspire all team members to do their best  to achieve that vision.




Create an Inspiring Team Culture





An inspiring team culture ensures that individual members both demonstrate their best talents and function synergistically as a unit to achieve common goals. People can create amazing things if their work is challenging, thrilling, collaborative, rewarding and fun. Empower cross-functional innovation teams. Set stretch goals, create opportunities for your people, work in small creative independent groups, encourage experimentation, and reward risk taking.

Teach your people how to question assumptions, use advance ideation techniques and play innovation games to enhance entrepreneurial creativity of your team and its individual members.


Team Culture

How To Create Team Culture

Inspiring Culture

High LQ Culture

Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction

Questioning Culture

Culture for Innovation

No-blame Culture





Launch a Crusade





Inspired Teams innovate best when they have a clear, inspiring and energizing strategic intent and innovate within that strategic intent. Create a challenging strategic intent or a cause and communicate it to your team members if you wish to launch a crusade and inspire entrepreneurial action.

The strategic intent must convey a significant stretch for your team. The cause and crusade should become the reason for existence of your team. You and your team should live the cause. Everyone should be involved. Reward the activities that advance the crusade and celebrate all victories, be them big or small.


Growth 10+

7Ss of Business Growth 10+

How To Create a Strategic Intent

Communicate the Strategic Direction

Fast To Market

Ask Learning SWOT Questions





Inspire, Empower and Energize People





Create strategic excitement. Inspire your team members to pursue a challenging innovation goal that seems impossible to reach. Energize and empower your team members. Make sure they have the information and the best tools they need to do their job and allow them to influence their own performance goals.


Inspirational Leadership

Empowering Leadership

Energize Your People