Management's task is to build an Innovation-friendly Organization Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and to generate the right climate that encourages experimentation, creativity, rule-breaking, individualism and creative teamwork.

Avoid rigid management that rules out experiment and trial and error.

Build a learning and coaching organization.

Tear down cultures of bureaucracy, interference, and lack of autonomy. Build a questioning culture and a culture of creative dissatisfaction instead.


3 Parts of the Climate for Innovation    Creative Leadership  >>  DOs and DON'Ts





Establishing an attitude of relentless growth is what enables an organization and its people to achieve their goals. The spirit of relentless growth keeps fresh ideas flowing and reinvigorates your company.

The great innovators behave illogically. They base their work on uncertainty and ambiguity, experiment, use small teams, and draw their aspiration from forward-looking customers.

Use various organizational mechanisms to get idea generators out of standard routines and connect them to both internal and external sources of knowledge. These mechanisms may include think-tanks, technology forecasting, strategic road-mapping, cross-functional strategic planning teams, corporatewide requests for new project proposals, periodic transfer of personnel from one unit to another, and forums geared to cross-pollination of innovative ideas >>>

Communication must be open, effective and continuous. Everyone must have an opportunity to be involved in planning, decision making, take calculated risks, make mistakes without fear of punishment, and receive fair rewards and recognition for performance.  >>>


Jazz of Innovation  >>    11 Guiding Principles    Empower Cross-functional Teams






Culture is the environment that attracts awesome people and enables them to thrive and perform at their best. It needs to be highly participatory, people oriented and attractive to people who share their vision, mission, and values.

Establishing the culture of innovation requires a broad and sustained effort. Though changing a company's Culture is never easy, with the right leadership, cultures can be reshaped and amazing results can accrue. Start with establishing a no-blame questioning culture and a culture of creative dissatisfaction... More


Culture for Innovation    Inspiring Culture    No-blame Culture




The Jazz of Innovation

To jazz up your ability to innovate, turn to jazz
– create
a clear guiding structure, establish creative chaos environment within this structure to liberate people and trigger accidental discoveries, and encourage improvisation


11 Guiding Principles  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Innovation Jazz Innompic Anthem Planet of Loving Creators



Example: Innovative and Creative Circle (ICC)

In Malaysia, ICC  aims to encourage an innovative and creative culture, promote the production of innovative ideas and creativity, and provide an opportunity for members of the Public Service to enhance their ability to deliver services, solve problems, make improvements, and create innovation... More


Innompic Games in Malaysia


National Innompic Games (IPMA)

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