Why Should You Ask
Searching Questions?
Searching questions can help you
discover new opportunities,
uncover the roots of a problem, and
find creative solutions
to it.
Open your mind to what is possible.
Asking searching questions starts with
challenging assumptions.
If you do not
check assumptions you cannot be good at asking searching
questions. Don't ask one or two questions and then rush straight towards a
solution. With an incomplete understanding of the
problem it is very easy to
jump to wrong conclusions.
Ask open-ended questions that elicit a wide rage of answers:
Triggering Great Ideas
A major
stimulant to creative thinking for business
problem solving
is focused questions. A well worded question often penetrates to the heart
of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights. To trigger more and
better ideas, you, first, must be very clear about exactly what it is that
you are trying to achieve. Write it down and describe it as if it were already
achieved. And, second, question your assumptions continually. What if there
were a better way? Be willing to try something
completely different.
Turn Problems to Opportunities:
6 Tips
Boost Your Creativity
requires an inquisitive mind.
Creative Dissatisfaction
Unless you ask lots of
"Why?" and "What If"? questions, you
won't generate creative insights. "To avoid this most common of creative
errors, be sure to peek under all carpets, including your own. Don't take
anything for granted. Especially
success. Try
looking at the world through more inquisitive eyes; try getting ideas in
motion; try asking the all-important: "Why?" See what
10 Success Lessons
from Google
top managers run the company by questions, not by answers, to
get a better
innovative culture.
They ask a lot of strategy-, product-, market- and competition-related
questions to stimulate conversation that results in