Riches begin with a state of mind... More
gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from
the earth...
Ideas are the beginning points of
all fortunes. |
Hill |
All Causation Is Mental. Everything that you are or ever
will be will be as a result of how you use
mind. You are merely a mind with a body to carry it around
with. The entire man made world that you see is simply
expression of thought.
Your entire life is an expression of
your own
thinking. And since the
quality of your
thinking determines the quality of
your life,
if you improve the quality of
thinking, you must, you
will, inevitably improve the
quality of
your life. |
If you
improve the quality of your
you must, you will, inevitably improve the quality of
If you are running too much after money and security, you will never
find peace of heart. |
Tao Te Chin |
The only wealth
which you will
keep forever is
the wealth you
have given away. |
Marcus Aurelius |
Start thinking today in a
optimistic, confident way about
personal and financial
success. Continually
imagine what differences
it would make in
your life if you were financially independent. This
is the starting point of developing a prosperity consciousness.