intellectual "brother" of Olympic Games − is a prominent
sign of the modern creativity-driven economy
Nobel Prize |
The Brain Likes to
Race Ahead |
Once your mind gets moving in a direction, be
it a left-brain direction (logical, mathematical, judgmental, analytical
activities) or a a
right-brain one (creative, visual, spatial concepts), it
tends to keep going. To illustrate this, try this easy test suggested by
Timothy Foster6:
What do you call a funny story? – joke
What are you when you have no money? – broke
What's another word for Coca Cola? – Coke
What's the white of an egg?
It isn't yolk, it's albumen. Were you tricked?
Most people are. The brain likes to race ahead, because it already knows the
Lateral Thinking, Edward de Bono
Differentiate or Die, Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin
Decision Making and Problem S3lving, John Adair
Connecting in Business in 90 Seconds or Less, Nicholas Boothman
Principle-Centred Leadership, Stephen R. Covey
101 Ways To Generate Great Ideas, Timothy R.V. Foster
Seven Masters, One Path, John Selby
Accelerated Success Course,
Mike Brescia
The Tao of Success, Paul Frazer