
Lessons from Business Legends and World's Leading Firms  

Leading Organizational Change

Transformational Leadership

Lessons from Jack Welch, GE

Keys To Leading Organizational Transformation



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Change before you have to.

Jack Welch



Today, GE succeeds in dozens of diverse businesses, and is continuously at the vanguard of change. Before Welch however, in locations throughout GE, local managers were operating in an insulated environment with walls separating them, both horizontally and vertically, from other departments and their workforce. Employee questions, initiatives, and feedback were discouraged.



Jack Welch advice business quotes

The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well.

Jack Welch



Determined to harness the collective power of GE employees, create a free flow of ideas, and redefine relationships between boss and subordinates, Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric, created a new corporate culture. It's key elements are:

▪ Redesigning the role of the leader in the new economy: creating followers through communicating a vision, and establishing open, caring relations with every employee.

Creating an open, collaborative workplace where everyone's opinion is welcome.

Empowering senior executives to run far-flung businesses in entrepreneurial fashion.

Liberating the workforce; making everybody a participant through improving vertical communication and energizing employees.


25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Articulate Your Vision

See Change as an Opportunity

Eliminate Bureaucracy

Get Less Formal

Involve Everyone

GE Work Out

5 Dimensions of Targeted Growth

7 Steps





GE Change Acceleration Program (CAP)

CAP was implemented by Jack Welch to help drive change throughout the organization. The program started with senior managers, but other managers were also provided with the tools and training they needed to engineer and drive change throughout the company.


3Ss of Winning in Business


Behave Like a Small Company



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Giving people self-confidence is by far the most important thing that I can do. Because then they will act.

Jack Welch