



Lead Organizational Change



Motivate, lead by example, anchor change





Twin Strategies

① Nourish creative dissatisfaction with the status quo to reduce resistance to change and inspire innovation.

Lead change by example – demonstrate a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

  Team Culture Create a Grand Vision Vadim Kotelnikov Idea Management Knowledge Management Get Rid of Bureaucracy Leadership Development Cross-functional Management Inspiring Culture Losing Organization: 9 Signs Business e-Coach Motivating and Communicating Initiative Know Your Enemies How To Lead Organizational Change, 9 signs of losing organization



Create Change

Great Leaders change before they have to – they create change proactively for innovation and competitive advantage. They are proactive innovators and game-changers who create paradigm shifts. They transform their organization, the markets, the society and the nature of competition.

What separates extraordinary transformational leaders from proponents of the status quo?

They start with declaring that the future should be and breaking outdated rules. They articulate a purpose, something to stand for and commit to. And they lead transformational change by example.

Example: GE Change Acceleration Program (CAP)

CAP was implemented by Jack Welch to help drive change throughout the organization... More


25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Create Change!

Articulate Your Vision

See Change as an Opportunity

Eliminate Bureaucracy

Get Less Formal

Involve Everyone

GE Work Out

GE Work Out

5 Dimensions of Targeted Growth





Be an Inspirational and Entrepreneurial Leader

Entrepreneurial leaders can blast through the many sources of corporate inertia. Inspirational leaders can motivate the actions needed to alter behavior in any significant way. Result-oriented leaders can establish a sense of urgency, overcome resistance to change, and get change to stick, by anchoring it in the culture, systems, and structures of the organization.


Leadership Success A-Z/360

3Ws of Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Inspirational Leader

Harmony Master



Vadim Kotelnikov, loving creator, mega-innovator, innovation guru

It's a perpetuum mobile – change creates leaders, leaders create change...

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Yin and Yang of Change Management

Yin: Anticipating and adapting to change.

Yang: Creating and leading change; developing and introducing revolutionary value; disrupting industry.





Creative Leader vs. Intuitive Leader





Intuitive-style leader often introduces change by just announcing it without defrosting the status quo and picturing a better future. The response to this approach generally creates rigidity and higher resistance.


Why Leaders Fail: 12 Main Reasons

Why Change Fails




Inspirational creative leader explains why change is needed, discusses change with stakeholders, invites feedback and suggestions, holds meetings. This creates a more open, trusting organizational culture. 

  Leadership Excellence A-Z/360 Leadership Excellence A-Z/360 What Leaders Are, Know, Do Journey from vision to reality Leading all involved Leadership e-Coach Leading Change: Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360




Change Management A-to-Z

Leadership-Management Synergy

What do leaders and managers do? Leaders drive change, managers maintain consistency. Leaders amplify strengths, managers reduce weaknesses. Entrepreneurial leaders pursue opportunities, managers reduce risks.

Synergize leadership and management role to achieve greater success... More


Leading Change

Leading Change vs. Managing Change

Leading Change by Asking Questions

Empowering Leadership




Harmony Master

As a master harmony and harmonious development, change leader  dismantles corporate disharmonies wisely, designs a harmonious change program, leads the change process organization-wide, and gets the change to stick by anchoring it in corporate culture, systems, and structures.


Harmony Master in Change and Business

Specific Skills of Harmony Masters

Harmonious Organization: 5 Basic Elements









Know Your Enemy

Why Change Fails: 8 Common Errors

12 Effective Leadership Roles

Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements

Leadership (Fire): Leaders  create positive change and see change as an opportunity... More

Systemic Innovation

7 Interwoven Areas

  1. Business Innovation

  2. Organizational Innovation

  3. Strategy Innovation... More

NLP Technology of Achievement

Creating Inevitable Success: 5 Steps

  1. Set your brain on the path toward achieving your goal so that it's working on it all day long traveling the actual path will then become much easier... More

A Leader's Mood: The Dimmer Switch of Performance

Manage the Emotions of Change. Be particularly mindful of how you manage emotions if your organization is undergoing change – how you handle emotions during these crucial times can help or hinder the change process.

It's a known fact that if the resistance to change is emotional, it is the hardest form of resistance to overcome. As the leader handling a change initiative, don't avoid the emotions that accompany the change process. Set the mood and manage the emotions – or they will manage you.

How To Overcome Resistance to Change: KoRe 10 Tips

Keep People In The Know

"Transformational leaders empower others by keeping them "in the know," by keeping them fully informed on everything that effects their jobs," says Brian Tracy. "People want and need to feel that they are “insiders,” that they are aware of everything that is going on. There is nothing so demoralizing to a staff member than to be kept in the dark about their work and what is going on in the company."


Give People Time To Digest a New Idea...

Understanding What's Going On in the Real World...

A Clue to Successful Change Management...

Change and Leadership...

Internal and External Sources of Changes...

Anticipate Change...

Five Drivers of Change...

Change Management Is Not Problem Solving...

Change Before You Have To...

Strategic Change Management...

Viewing Your Business with an Outsider's Eyes...

80/20 Thinking...

Create Change for Competitive Advantage...

Creating Change: Twin Strategies...

Creating Change: Steps to Establishing a New Balance...

How To Ask Searching Questions...

Create Change...

How To Make Big Changes...

Methods for Dealing with Resistance to Change...

Make Quick Decisions...

Manage Organizational Change...

Motivate Employees to Embrace Change...

Lead Behavioral Change...

Tips for Setting and Communicating the Vision...

Beer's Formula for Leading Change...

Sustainable Ability to Change...

Successful Change Efforts...

Milestone-based Thinking...

 Case in Point  Lee Iacocca...