Personal Development Programme

Personal Breakthrough

Better Performance


Be the Best Possible

10 Concepts to Help you Improve Your Levels of Quality and Excellence at Work


By Australian Business Ltd.; adapted by Dean Prebble and Prof. Howard Frederick, Ten3 NZ Ltd.



By not doing your best you are not just wasting your time, you are wasting your life.

Burning belief helps achieve impossible


The quality of your work is a measure of the quality of yourself.

We all derive pride and self-esteem from accomplishing tasks in an excellent fashion. Successful completion of a worthy task means that it was not only attempted, but it was completed to certain standards of performance or better. Worthy means it was something that needed doing whether it was typing of a document or diagnosis of an illness. It was a task that somebody had to do and do correctly.


Make a Difference!

Great Achiever


Be Different and Make a Difference

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Bhagavad Gita quotes

Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy, but with love and compassion.

Bhagavad Gita


NLP Psychology of Excellence PowerPoint slides for teachers, e-book for self-learning  

High levels of remuneration and job security are dependent upon three keys; what you do, how well you do it and how difficult it is to replace you. Accordingly, our highly competitive employment market only pays superior rewards to recipients who render worthy superior performances.

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Your goal at work should therefore be to get good, get better and to be the best possible, to such a point where you seemingly become indispensable to the organisation. 


The Best vs. Others

Super-Smart vs. Smart




Here are ten concepts to help you improve your levels of quality and excellence at work. 





Good enough seldom is

Organisations that are continually productive and profitable incessantly strive for quality and excellence.

Acknowledging that your customers are not prepared to accept an attitude of "that's good enough," how does your organisation's quality standards rate as against its competitors?




How do your own personal levels of excellence and quality rate against your current and potential competitors in the employment market?

If you don't know the answer/s to these questions, then resolve to find them out immediately.

The longer you delay, the larger the gap may be growing between you and your competition!

  NLP Psychology of Excellence PowerPoint slides for teachers, e-book for self-learning


Steve Jobs advice quotes

We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and every one should be really excellent. Because this is our life.

Steve Jobs





Quality is not just product related  
Quality is not just the product; it's a combination of the product and "add-ons," i.e. packaging, availability, convenience of use and value adding customer service, etc.  The same applies to you in the employment market. Possessing a tertiary qualification may only get you 50% of the way towards being internally promoted or externally employed.  The other 50% will depend upon what your acquired "add-ons" are, i.e. what makes you more valuable than your competitor in the mind of potential employers/customers.  Ask yourself "what value adding skills have I acquired and applied to my work within the past 2 years that demonstrate skill
flexibility, continuing career development and quality as an employee?"


Quality and excellence are what your customers say they are
Quality and excellence are not what you say they are. Customers of your products and services define quality! When was the last time you asked a customer for an honest opinion of the goods and services you and your organisation provide?  Organisations and individuals that want to get ahead and succeed (your competitors), are prepared to meet regularly with customers and appraise performance levels, continuously seeking improvement.  The same applies in the employment market.  Employers determine excellence and quality.  Smart people in charge of their careers recognise this fact and are therefore continuously researching for needs, trends and opportunities within their existing employment environment and in future areas of the employment market they are attracted to.  Thus they can then acquire new skills to meet changing employment needs, to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Exceed expectations
Go the extra mile, do things faster, do things with greater sincere friendliness, for your customers, employer, family and for yourself!

  Continuous creativity
Every member of an organisation can
be creative. The key towards discovering and maximising your creativity is to be a member of an organisation that offers a work environment that encourages individual and team creativity.  These organisations understand that innovation, creative dissatisfaction and entrepreneurial creativity are the very source of excellence and quality when applied to customer service, delivery, distribution, marketing, sales and employee productivity, etc.

Be a team player
The most valuable single factor that contributes towards high levels of excellence and quality in a
team, stem from an individual team member's ability to work with others, i.e. his or her levels of cooperation and communication.  These "social intelligence" skills include the ability to persuade, negotiate, compromise and make others feel important.

Know who you are
Being inwardly
(knowing you are competent and capable) automatically improves levels of quality and excellence in your work.  Understand that inner happiness only comes about via Self esteem + Self respect + Personal Pride.  Get these ingredients right and with careful written planning the rest will simply fall into place.

Concentrate and focus
You cannot concentrate and focus on tasks unless you first know exactly what is expected of you and how relevant tasks are to be measured.  Clarity of main tasks and responsibilities is paramount if you are to achieve excellent results.  You must know why you are on the payroll.  Only then can you focus on achieving optimum levels of performance.  

Know your Key Result Areas (KRAs)
Job responsibilities and corresponding KRAs can rapidly change over time. It's therefore important to know exactly what are the current KRA's upon which others will judge your levels of quality and excellence.  Do the KRAs of your current work match the original job description or has something changed?  What are your standards of performance, your highest value tasks that enable you to make an optimum contribution?  Remember the
80/20 Rule: 20% of what you do, accounts for 80% of the results you

Be a "Go-giver" in customer service
It's no secret that every organisation of value in today's world economy, is focused on customer service.  The future belongs to those individuals and businesses that service their customers in a superior fashion. To get ahead, organisations must know who their customers are and what they expect.  They must deliver more.  The same applies to you as a member of the organisation.  To get ahead in your current and future employment, you must first know who you customers are (e.g., your
team leader
) and what their expectations of you are.  You must then deliver more than those expectations.  >>>


Peter Drucker advice

Work, and hard, to improve the way you perform. Don't do work of any kind in a way you perform badly.

Peter Drucker

Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

Anything worth doing is worth 100%.

Konosuke Matsushita

Charles Schwab advice quotes

The man who has done his best

has done everything.

Charles Schwab

Schwab Inc.

Chinese proverb

Flies never visit an egg that has no crack.



Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

By not doing your best
you are not just wasting your time
– you are wasting yourself.

Vadim Kotelnikov