Drop unnecessary work
Delayer, create a flat
responsive organization
Encourage employees to identify
problems and come up with
Make your workplace more
Drop unnecessary work
Stop monitoring things and your subordinates' performance too
closely. This sort of command-and-control management style does not
permit managers to spot trouble soon enough.
Stop firming memos at one another as they prevent you from talking
directly with junior managers and field workers.
Every layer is a bad layer. The world
is moving at such a pace that control has become a limitation. It
slows you down. |
Jack Welch
GE |
Delayer, create a flat
responsive organization
all those layers, your company
can become lean and agile. Do
everything you can to simplify,
remove complexity and formality,
and make the organization more
responsive and agile.
Cross-pollinate to
make faster and better decisions
Eliminate tools and documents that
discourage original thinking.
Encourage employees
to identify problems and
come up with solutions
Force any manager who thwarts their
efforts out of the company. |
Make your workplace
more informal
"Send handwritten notes instead
of memos, keep meetings
conversational, and encourage
dialogue up and down the
corporate ladder."
More lessons from
business legends?