Jack Welch's
3Ss of
Winning in
Just as surely as speed flows from
simplicity, simplicity is grounded in self-confidence.
The operative assumption today is that
someone, somewhere, has a better idea; and the operative compulsion
is to find out who has that better idea, learn it and put into
action fast. |
Give people a voice, get them
talking and listening to and
trusting one another.
Cultivate self-confidence
among your leaders by turning
them loose, giving them
independence and resources, and
encouraging them to take big
Provide an atmosphere that
affords employees an opportunity
to dream, risk, and win and
ultimately earn self-confidence.
You can't believe how hard it is
for people to be simple, how
much they fear being simple.
One of the most difficult things
for a manager to do is to reach
that all-important threshold of
self-confidence in which being
simple is comfortable.
Urge everyone in the company to
have the courage to be simple.
Create an atmosphere in the
organization where people feel
not only free, but obliged to
demand clarity and purpose from
their leaders.
Speed is everything. It is
the indispensable ingredient of
If you're not
fast you can't win.
Speed keeps businesses and
people young. Speed
exhilarates and
Bureaucracy is terrified by
speed and hates simplicity.
People have to think on their
Decisions at virtually every level
should be made in minutes, not days or weeks.
Decisions must be made face-to-face,
not memo-to-memo.
Forests of meaningless paper trails
and approvals must be eliminated.
Decrease control to increase speed. |
"Speed, simplicity and
self-confidence are closely
intertwined. By simplifying the
organization and instilling
confidence, you create the
foundation for an organization
that incorporates speed into the
fabric of the company."
Jack Welch

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