Rid of the Bureaucracy

Eliminate Waste, Unnecessary
Approvals and Speed-breakers
Vadim Kotelnikov

9 Signs of a
Losing Organization
"The more regulations, the
poorer people."
Lao Tzu
"It is as unfair to slowly dismantle a bureaucratic structure as it would be for
a surgeon to open up a patient once a year and remove 10% of a cancerous tumor."
~ Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton |
Signals of Bureaucracy
According to Robert Heller |
Detailed monthly budget approvals
strategic planning only
Powerful staff members with no line
Many-layered approval procedures
Many-layered, strictly observed
payment bands
Rigid status symbols
Hefty corporate manuals and
GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey (LES)
● Hates / avoids / eliminates "bureaucracy" and
strives for brevity, simplicity, clarity. ..
More |
Learning from Fastest
No organization with a large bureaucracy is
able to make fast decisions. Bureaucracy creates a climate in which the
customer comes third – well after the management and the company's other
Don't let minor rules and regulations, and some
people, that make no sense but seem almost impossible to circumvent to swamp
and clog your organization. Getting rid of the bureaucracy is a law at
fastest companies, and anyone found guilty of building or perpetuating
bureaucracies is severely punished for management malpractice.
"The more
dead weight at the top of the organization involved in the
decision making process,
the slower the decisions will be made"
~ Jason Jennings
and Laurence Haughton |
Protect unusual people from
bureaucracy and legalism typical of organizations...
More |
De Pree |
ASEA Brown Bovery
When Sweden's Percy Barnevik's company merged
with the troubled Swiss giant Brown Bovery, he promptly sent a message to
the thousands of bureaucrats who worked at the company's headquarters in
Zurich: "In the future,... the company won't be run like a government and
administered from a central home office. Everyone at head office has ninety
days to find a real job within the company that has
something to do with the
"From the very beginning, we tended to come at
things in a very practical way," says
Michael Dell, the Founder & CEO of
Dell Inc.. "I was always asking, "What's the most
efficient way to accomplish this?"...
Cutting Long
Meetings Short
A CEO hired
Larry Farrel, a renowned management consultant, to help him to get rid
of the corporate bureaucracy. In particular, the CEO complained about the
length of corporate
meetings – the discussions were poorly focused and too
Kuniyasu Sakai and his
partner, Hiroshi Sekiyama, are legendary managers in Japan. They
don't buy the "bigger is better" concept.
Kuniyasu Sakai and Hiroshi
Sekiyama started a business together and turned it into a
Highly Profitable
Rather than building a single, giant firm, they divided it, and then kept on
dividing. Always keeping each of their firms at its optimum size.
In the process of creating a
prosperous Bunsha group of companies, they discovered how to keep their
companies on the
cutting edge, their
employees productive, and their
happy, all at the same time. Their method is what Mr. Sakai calls bunsha
(literally, 'dividing companies'), a system he and Mr. Sekiyama developed
over more than 40 years of real-world corporate management. They
created a group of more than 40 thriving, independent, high-tech
manufacturing companies through bunsha
(company division). Once a company is "successful," they fear that
bureaucracy and complacency will set in. What do they do? They divide it...
It's not the BIG and eats the SMALL... it's the FAST that eats the SLOW,
Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton
The Cycle of Leadership, Noel M. Trichi
Welch and the GE Way," Robert Slater
The Welch Way, Jeffrey A. Krames
Roads to Success, Heller, Robert