
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Hierarchy of Innovation

from Harmonious down to Functional

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Hierarchy of Innovation Innovation e-Coach Harmonious Innovation Harmony Innovation Waltz Up with Everything Soft and Hard Innovation Tactical Innovation Sustainability Innovation Impact Innovation Functional Invention Value Innovation Strategic Innovation Radial Incremental Cross-functional Systemic Holistic Innovation Scale of Innovation Hierarchy of Innovation: Harmonious, Holistic, Systemic, Synergy  

The hierarchy of innovation is a structured framework that delineates the various layers of thinking and efforts – from micro-innovation through mega-innovation, from functional innovation through harmonious innovation, from tactical innovation through strategic innovation.




At the organization level, the hierarchy of innovation helps leaders design, align and synergize strategies, climate, drivers, systems, structures, functions, innomanagement, processes and efforts throughout different levels, from top management to operational teams to foster creative achievements.


Innovation e-Coach

Innovation is Love

PDR Types of Innovations

Jazz of Innovation




At the mega-level, the hierarchy of innovation helps highersighted innopreneurs and mega-innovators build harmonious economy and create higher-level harmonies systemically, systematically, and synergistically.

Example: KoRe Blue-Planet Innovations


KoRe Examples

Missionary Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator





Types of Innovation





Like all newborns, innovations can emerge in an unlimited variety of forms. Innovation can be soft or hard, radical or incremental, open or closed, people-centric or technology-centric, holistic or individualistic, functional or cross-functional, multi-purpose or single-purpose – to mention just a few.

Harmonious innovation is a holistic development process that puts harmonious growth and well-being of all stakeholders at the center of creative strategies and efforts aimed at inventing and building a better future. Harmony Innovation is the top of the harmonious-innovation tree – it is focused on creation of higher-level innovative harmonies in the target entity.

Synergy innovation is about innovating by synergizing diverse capabilities.


Proactive Innovation

Innovative Futuring

Disruptive Innovation

Service Innovation

Harmonious MegaInnovation

Social Innovation

Educational Innovation

Open Educational Innovation

United Innovators

Spoken Innovation