Negotiation is the process of communicating back and forth for
the purpose of resolving conflicting interests, coming to a joint
decision, reaching an agreement that satisfies interests of each
side to the extent possible. |
Love to
think win-win and build trust. No lasting win-win situation can
be achieved without trust.
Strive to design and achieve the
best-possible win-win solution in an efficient and friendly way. |
See Negotiation as a Partner
Negotiation is the process
of communicating back and forth
for the purpose of resolving
conflicting interests, coming to
a joint decision, reaching an
agreement that satisfies
interests of each side to the
extent possible.
'Getting To Yes'
Book by Roger Fisher, William
Ury, Bruce Patton, The Harvard
Negotiation Project
Review by Professor Donald
In virtually all circumstances where
people are working together, they come to agreement in ways that short-change
the interests of everyone involved. This landmark book shows practical ways to
find out what other people want, and to devise better alternatives that create a
"win" for everyone. The authors do a great job of overcoming the preconception
that many hold that working on problems means that you have to be unpleasant.
The advice to be hard on the → problems and easy on the people (building a
relationship) is a key concept that everyone can use.
I have found this book to be one of the most helpful that I have every read, and
I cite its lessons in my own book. I recently had a chance to use these
principles in a negotiating workshop with veteran negotiators, and I was struck
by how few people apply the lessons of GETTING TO YES. You will vastly improve
your life if you read and practice the ideas in GETTING TO YES.