Wise Yin-Yang approach to
negotiations harmonizes 'pull'
and 'push' tactics.
Treat the negotiation process as
partner dance where the
Lead-Follow roles are switched
frequently and willingly in
order to arrive at a
Win-Win solution in a
harmonious way.
While being strategically
focused on the desired outcome,
be tactically
flexible, like river water,
in your approaches to selecting
or inventing the routes towards
the desired results.
Be a helper. Avoid
negotiations because they
put your opponents in a
defending position and make them
argue back. So,
agree first, then push your
argument gently, for instance in
a form of an
open question inviting the
counterpart to explore the
situation from a different
Treat problems as opportunities
they usually bring about. There
is an old saying, "There are no
problems, only opportunities.“
Don't talk about a problem too
much; discover and talk about
opportunities that would benefit
the both parties.
you suggest an
outside-the box solution,
know also
how to sell it.
create new powerful desires,
invite the other party to spend
the first 5-10 minutes
exclusively on creating a list
of mutual benefits the
solution brings about.
Prepare for Implementation
you both find this
outside-the-box solution worth
exploring further, spend some
more time on playing a quick
InnoBall simulation game
with it to conquer jointly its
diverse enemies and develop a
strong implementation strategy.