




Being able to anticipate that which is likely to occur in the nearest or remote future gives you an edge over others who simply go along with whatever happens.

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Change represents an opportunity for your business and it must be anticipated and prepared for. Foresight and change anticipation is a hallmark of strategic leaders.


Trend Watching

Trend Spotting Tips




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Develop HIGHERsight

to be able to
see higher, anticipate farther, understand that others can't,
and manage change better.

Insight focuses on here-and-now.
Highersight focuses on the future.





Technology, radical innovations, new business models, globalization, demography, consumer demands and choices all contribute to making today’s society one of accelerating change. The drivers of change are numerous and complex, and their impact varies from one sector to another.


Futures Thinking








Change represents an opportunity for your business and it must be anticipated and prepared for. Foresight and change anticipation is a hallmark of strategic leaders.


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The way change affects your company depends largely on the capacity of key actors to anticipate and prepare for such an eventuality.

Existing business models and strategies may be threatened by changing circumstances.

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Adapting too late or too little can result in disaster for your business.

If you wish to avoid a long and painful adaptation process you must improve your capacity to anticipate and prepare for future change at the earliest interval.


New Survival Strategies

Reduce Risks

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In today’s rapidly-changing economic climate, your company will have a competitive advantage if you succeed in integrating change into your business strategy effectively.

Using foresight and anticipation to envisage possible future scenarios is the first step in preparing for change and managing it successfully.




There is big difference between anticipating and guessing. Anticipation means expecting, being aware of something in advance, to regard it as possible. The ability to anticipate is one of the key ingredients of efficient speed and change management.


PRASAS Model of Change Anticipation

Fast Company

Fast Decision Making



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Change before you have to.
See change as an opportunity.

Jack Welch



Steve Jobs advice quotes

Innovation is the ability to
see change as an opportunity – not a threat.

Steve Jobs






3 approaches to Change Management




Vadim Kotelnikov

Smart ones recognize change.
Smarter ones anticipate change.
Smartest ones create change

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



"Hutches" Occur to the Prepared of Mind

"The further backward you look, the further ahead you see," said Winston Churchill.

How can you see the future? Actually, anticipation is natural – everyone does it every day. Paradigms provide a basis for anticipation of specific events.

Unfortunately, most people limit exercising their anticipatory skills to daily routine matters.

All you really need to start applying these skills for your business is a small head start.


Milestone-based Thinking

Play InnoBall entrepreneurial simulation game

Partner with customers to anticipate what they need before they know they need it




Intuition is a form of unconscious pattern-matching cognition.

Preparation and incubation precede flashes of insight.

Understanding of how something works, partially consciously, allows you to anticipate and predict occurrences that are then subsequently explored very consciously.




Vadim Kotelnikov

Seeing change as an opportunity is not enough. 
You must also cultivate burning desire
to change and to jump in.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example