"The further backward you look,
the further ahead you see,"
advised Winston Churchill. Study
the past and build new
connections to the present if
you want to improve your ability
to anticipate change and
forecast the future.
Entrepreneurial simulation
games, such as
will help you anticipate
challenges, deal with them
creatively, and ultimately
exceed the initially desired
results of a radical change
Understand the
drivers of change. Look at
your business from
outside in and ask ‒
relentlessly ‒ searching
questions, such as 'What's
happening in the marketplace?
Where the competitors are
Empathize with consumers to
understand how
their needs are changing.
Visualize the Future and
Make a Contrastive Analysis
Visualize the big picture of
the future, compare it with the
current state of things and
identify things that differ from
one another. Think strategically
about your way towards that
superconscious mind is the
feeling mind. It reasons
inductively, from the specific
to the general. It works
millions times faster than the
conscious mind. The energy in
the subconscious mind is
inexhaustible. Using the
subconscious mind is effortless.
Once anticipation became habit ‒
in other words, the task was relegated to the superconscious mind
‒ it became so easy, that you do
not have to think about it when
you are doing it.
Question Strategic
Any strategic decision or plan
is only as good as the strategic
assumptions upon which it is
based. Consider the situation
from many different angles.
Allow originality to provoke new
images of reality. When an
existing paradigm no longer
adequately predicts relevant
phenomenon, adopt a new
paradigm. open your mind and
start thinking differently,
outside the box.