① Ask the player to describe the
current issue, challenge, or
▪ small amount of relevant
▪ specific examples
② Ask the player to describe the
desired outcome:
▪ the description should be as
specific as possible
▪ don't try to
solve the
problem, but note
down any emerging ideas
③ Jointly list all the
obstacles/blocks that lie
between the current situation
and the desired outcome. Sort
them into three groups:
▪ Blocks that exist in the
player (inadequate attitude, low
motivation, lack of skill/
knowledge, etc.)
▪ Blocks that exist in others
attitude, lack of
capabilities/resources, etc.)
▪ Blocks that exist in the
situation (inadequate resources,
tough deadlines, etc.)
④ Jointly brainstorm ways around
these obstacles/blocks, and the
steps to success. Select and
agree the final approach,
actions and