Lead yourself towards your vision, goals,
personal breakthrough and excellence




Self-Leadership Life Vision Creative Visualization Take Action Continuous Learning Dennis Emfographics VadiK Self Leadership, Self-Leadership, Leading Yoourself  

Self-leadership is about leading yourself towards your inspiring vision, stretch goals, and personal excellence.

It is an extensive set of strategies focused on the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that you use to exert influence over yourself.



Vadim Kotelnikov

Stretch yourself!
You are much bigger than you think you are!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




Self-leadership is an extensive set of strategies focused on the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that you use to exert influence over yourself. To lead yourself, create an inspiring vision and set goals for your life and start moving towards your goals.

Visualize a life that is exactly as you want it.


KoRe 10 Self-Leadership Tips

Grow Yourself

Achievement Attitude






Take a helicopter view of yourself and set stretch goals for both your life and your business. When you see your goal in your mind, you engage the power of your subconscious mind  that will help you build winning habits and bring your dream to life.

Now, take initiative and start moving towards your goals.

  GREATbody - how to achiever great success 360 download PowerPoint slides for trainers teachers Vadim Kotelnikov




Challenge assumptions, champion change, take risk and experiment. And remember that there is no failure, only feedback. Ask learning SWOT questions and restart wiser. Fail small to succeed big.

Be a lifelong learner, and be passionate about it. Remember, if you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.


Great Achieve: 8 Habits

Achievement Mindset



GROW model




Keep growing!









Leading Yourself Towards a Brighter Future

To make real Changes and lead others, you have to lead yourself first. This is actually your greatest challenge and one of the most important things you’ll ever do as a leader.  If you lead yourself well, then you will earn the right to lead others. You can be a superleader and leads others to lead themselves.

Effective self-leadership involves a coordinated effort between you as a Team Leader, your Team, and the Organization  as a whole.


Create Breakthroughs!



Self-Leadership Strategies

Self-leaders involves utilization of both behavioral and mental techniques.

4 WHYs of True Success

To lead yourself, create an inspiring vision and set goals for your life. Your vision will lead you. Visualize a life that is exactly as you want it. When you see your goal in your mind, you engage the power of your subconscious mind that will help you build winning habits and bring your dream to life. Now, take initiative and start moving towards your goals.

Be always creatively dissatisfied with the status quo.

Challenge assumptions, champion change, take risk and experiment. And remember, there is no failure, only feedback. Ask learning SWOT questions and restart wiser. Fail small to succeed big.

Be a lifelong learner, and be passionate about it. If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.




Self-Leadership Techniques

Mental Techniques involve self-awareness, visioning, examination and alteration of beliefs, assumptions, mental images, self-dialogue, and thinking habits (thought patterns)

Behavioral Techniques: involve goal-setting, self-motivation, self-coaching, self-observation, self-reinforcement, and self-rewarding.

"Self-leadership is the greatest leadership challenge."

~ John Maxwell