of the name "Meta"
Looser Connection with
Is the company "Meta" for people or "beyond"?
Yes, there are "enthusiasts"
who are keen to be the first to try something "beyond", but "enthusiasts" is
a small portion − less than 1% − of all people.
Language vs. Metalanguage
Physics vs. Metaphysics
Stasis (faction) vs. Metastasis
Language, physics, and stasis are commonly
used, while metalanguage, metaphysics and metastasis are unlikely to be
embraced by many.
So, sense-wise the name "Meta" for a service
company is quite weak.
The company
depositioned itself by this rebranding.
Competitive Differentiation
means "huge". "Meta" means "beyond".
"Huge" or "beyond" attracts more service
Competitive differentiation of "Meta" is weak as well. |