VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

New-To-the World
Product Development

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Adaptive innovators follow new trends.

Disruptive innovators create new trends by developing irresistible new-to-the-world products that increase customers' wants/needs ratio dramatically.


Key Attributes of a Disruptive Innovator

Loving Creator

Proactive Rule Breaker

Disruptive Strategist

Brave Venturepreneur

Innovative Marketer and Seller



Coaching by Example





I love to create new-to-the-world products and help others to change the world




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) innovator venturepreneur trainer speaker

Stretch your goals!

Be a trend setter!

Invent a new curve and sell to enthusiasts.


Do you want to be a market leader?

If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing radically new products and services, new market categories, new customer desires, and new business models.




The Importance of Being First-to-Market

The first in has a head start. Being first in any market category is going to give you the edge – being the market leader comes from being first.





It's much easier to get into the mind of consumers first that try to convince people you have a better product or service than the one that did get there first. Once you are perceived by the market as the leader, it is very hard for competitors to dislodge you, as long as you keep innovating, adding value, and improving your product.

  Innovators quotes create new markets Vadim Kotelnikov


New to the world product development Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK)

Great businesses inspire partners by amazing opportunities and customers by incredible products.


Great Positive Impact

A new-to-the-world product can transform existing markets or create new ones. It can help your company to stand out from the competition, enable Growth 10+, and create huge return on investment.



Radical Innovation new to the world product development  

Assess Your Innovation Portfolio

How much does your innovation portfolio push the industry frontiers and customer desires?

How well does it fit with your vision, strategic intent, and stretch goals?



Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier


Fuzzy Front End

The early stage of the new-to-the-world product process is ripe with opportunity, but it is also devoid of many hard facts. Due to its high degree of ambiguity, this development phase is known as "the fuzzy front end".





Focus on Creating Customer Value

A new product is likely to fail if invention and uniqueness, not customers and their desires, come first. Create something unique to stand out from the competition, but focus your new-product-development (NPD) efforts on value innovation. "You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward for the design and the technology," advised Steve Jobs.





Create New Desires

As a developer of a new-to-the-world product, you must be a market innovator and develop a new market segment.

Keep in mind that when you create a new-to-the-world product you must must create new customer desires as well.

How to do it?

Here is, for instance, the Steve Jobs' advice: "Be the first, and make it an industry standard... Sell dreams and emotional benefits."

Another way is to create an exciting buzz marketing strategy to make people curious and desire your radically new product.

I developed special marketing strategies such "Icebreaker Marketing" and "Wood-Screw Marketing " and tested them successfully on my 'Blue-Ocean' innovations.

In brief, marketing and selling a new-to-the-world product is a creative synergy on art and skills – and a very exciting process!





Leading and Coaching by Example



Everything genius is simple.

Simple is beautiful and easier to use. I invented and use simple courses and tools that help invent great new-to-the-world products and commercialize these inventions.

My mini-courses Higher-sight and Super-creativity help invent great new-to-the-world products.

KoRe Business e-Coach was a new-to-the-world product when I launched in back in 2001.

InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) venturepreneurial simulation game is a new-to-the-world product that helps develop new-to-the-world products.

My InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) venturepreneurial simulation game helps turn disruptive ideas to successful new-to-the-world products.


INNOBALL Innovation Brainball logo

My INNOBALL  (Innovation Brainball) entrepreneurial simulation game
helps teams of radical innovation projects achieve astonishing results

  How to enticipate challnges play Innoball entrepreneurial simulation game VadiK





"People don't pay for technology. They pay for the solution to their problems or for something they enjoy." ~ Dean Kamen


Tips for Forcing Combinations

By Paul Sloane

  • Look for combinations between your organization and every other organization you come across. How could you collaborate with company XYZ to deliver a radical new offering to clients?

7 Dimensions of Strategic Innovation

  • Consumer / Customer Insight – understanding articulated and unarticulated needs.


 Case in Point  Silicon Valley Companies

Adapted from Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

Decide if your innovation portfolio has enough stretch.

Balance between revolutionary and evolutionary initiatives. First, Silicon Valley companies assess the overall balance between revolutionary and evolutionary projects. The ultimate arbitrator of portfolio stretch if the innovation leaders’ judgment, experience, intuition, and luck.


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Building a very strong company and a very strong foundation of talent and culture in a company is essential to making great products.

Steve Jobs





  1. The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley

  2. Lateral Thinking Skills, Paul Sloane

  3. Developing Products in Half the Time, Donald Reinertson & Preston Smith

  4. Radical Innovation, Harvard Business School

  5. Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

  Three Legged Chicken