protected the fatherland with security from
the enemy, one should strive to find glory
for the state through the arts and sciences. |
Peter the Great |
Live for a century –
for a century.
Clever person likes to learn, and the
fool – to teach. |
Russian proverb |
There are knowledgeable people, and
there are wise people. Knowledgeable people are those who know a
Wise people are those who
understand what they know. |
Zadornov |
I'm only interested
in things that have
no practical
meaning. I am
interested in life
only in its absurd
manifestation. |
Daniil Kharms |
Work, look for peace and
calm in work: you will find
it nowhere else. |
Mendeleev |
Even an idiot becomes smarter when he
falls in love. |
Prutkov |
Since the World War II, it is Russia's
historic mission to keep rising to fight and defeat international fascism. |
Putin |
Power is given only to those who dare to lower
themselves and pick it up. Only one thing matters, one thing; to be able to
dare! |
Fyodor Dostoyesvski
The two most powerful warriors are
patience and time. |
Tolstoy |
Learn during all your life.
And then you will have a right to say that you know nothing. |
Prutkov |