Speed to
market (or time to market) is how
quickly your business can go from
conceiving a new product to getting it
to end customers.
Best companies introduce new
products faster that the competition. In
Silicon Valley firms produce top
quality at lightning speed.
Being – and/or being perceived
– the first to market brings
about huge competitive
Innovative market pioneers
create new market niches or even
Blue Oceans and harvest huge
benefits of being the first and
facing no direct competitors.
Below are some:
My trademark fast-to-market
techniques and tools I invented to
grow my own ventures and
those of my clients;
Fast-to-market strategies of
famous winners
(Innovation Brainball)
venturepreneurial simulation
game helped a client company
reduce time to market by
18 months
Example: Google
Google is the Internet’s number
one search engine today. What is
the reason for their remarkable
success? It’s beta testing and
market learning. They launched a
less than perfect service into
the market place to get market
feedback. Feedback is the answer
to dominating a market. It also
makes great business sense.
Other search engine companies
were trying to perfect a product
by themselves separate from
their target market as Google
was continuously and rapidly
upgrading their original beta
version in close cooperation
with customers. They knew that
the target market never lies.
10 Success
Lessons from Google
Google's 10
Golden Rules
10 Guiding Principles
Google's 9
Notions of Innovation
Google+ Failed
Larry Page
Quotes |
Fast to Market Mindset,
Strategies and Tactics
Whether you company small or big,
place a really big premium on moving quickly. Since its early days,
our company’s motto was, “Move fast and break things". |
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook |
Being a little ahead of
your opponent, often provides greater advantage than superior numbers or
greater resources. |
Sun Tzu |
Development velocity is extremely
important. Adhere to core principles and processes. |
Jeff Bezos
Amazon |
One minute
can decide the outcome of the battle,
one hour – the outcome of the campaign. |
Alexander Suvorov |