

Leadership Development

Help others grow as self-leaders.

 Build a leader pipeline in your company.


Leadeship Development - Excellent Leader A-to-Z/360


Vadim Kotelnikov

Developing leaders is a major role of an effective leader. Be a super-leaderinspire and help all people around you grow as self-leaders.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Leadership Coaching

Today, corporate leaders must be coached on a regular basis. Constant, rapid and unpredictable change require high flexibility in leadership... More


GROW Model

Motivational Coaching



Naryana Murthy advice

People, who are motivated by great leader, dream big, make sacrifices and achieve miracles. You need to train and mentor successive generations of leaders.

Naryana Murhty


Nasrul Hakiml, Malaysia, Innompic Games, country coordinator

Innompic Games empower all involved. Challenge-based contests help students grow as innopreneurs, entrepreneurial leaders, and creative teamworkers rapidly.

Nasrul Hakim



Historic Example of Leadership Development

"A leader’s role is to develop and empower others to become leaders themselves. Leaders at this level focus on reproducing leadership by investing time and resources to nurture the potential of others. Prophet Muhammad actively guided and nurtured his companions to become his successors—not only as religious leaders (ummah leaders) but also as professional leaders and statesmen. The Rightly Guided Caliphs (Khulafa' ar-Rasyidin) followed his example, leading to the expansion of Islam across various regions of the world."

~ Nasrul Hakim


Leadership e-Coach

Leader 360

What Leaders Are, Know and Do


Change-Leadership Perpetuum Mobile

Holistic Leadership

Inspirational Leader

Team Leader

Change Master



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Building a leader pipeline is essential to the health of your company and it therefore is a strategic duty of the senior leader.

Jack Welch



25 Lessons from Jack Welch Coaching Team Building and Teamwork 25 Lessons from Jack Welch: CULTIVATE LEADERS Leadership Development Corporate Leader Cross-functional Expertise GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey (LES) Leadership Development Leadership e-Coach Best Practices GE Build Self-Confidence Leadership Development at GE: How to cultivate leaders  


When team members at Uniliver began to design a new leadership development initiative for top managers, they they proposed to fundamentally change leadership behaviors and create an entirely new, enterprising corporate culture... More