Find that thing you are super passionate about.
Building a
building a business go hand-in-hand. It is true that the primary thing that makes me excited
about what we're doing is the mission, but I also think, from the very
beginning, we've had this healthy understanding which is that we need to do
The question isn't, 'What do we want to know
about people?', It's, 'What do people want to tell about themselves?" |
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook |
❷ Be Super Passionate
“Find that thing you are
super passionate about,” advises Mark Zuckerberg. When Yahoo offered him a billion dollars for the
early-stage company he’d built, Mark refused, explaining it wasn’t
about the money.
Being super passionate about your work is the
master key to
success – especially in the IT world, where constant
experimentation with new ideas and long hours are the norm. Keep
your inner flame burning bright and make sure that your passion
doesn’t fade away.
>>> |
❸ Break Boundaries
Venture Daringly and Rapidly
Things around you may look good, but you can create a far better
world. Don’t copy others. Dare to change the world and make your
great breakthrough service available all over the globe.
Take risks.
Break boundaries and don’t set limits on yourself and your business.
Accomplish the improbable and break people’s
perceptions of
Facebook: 10 Keys to Success |
❹ Do the Most
Important Thing You Could Be Doing
Ask yourself every day this question, ‘Am I doing
most important thing
thing I could be doing?’ You shouldn’t feel good about how you’re
spending your time unless you feel like you’re working on the most
important problem that you can
help with. |
❻ Have Faith in
and Stay Focused
Never have doubts about your
abilities and don’t ever let anyone
fill you with negativity. Regardless of anything, remain
focused on managing and improving your business and
customer value. Stick to your guns and believe in what you are
doing. Remain strong in the face of adversity and mindful of the
hazards. Believe in your ability to maneuver around any challenge
that comes your way. Use criticism as a stepping stone to improve
what you are working on. Write a thank you note every day. Keep your
head in the game and
persevere – your dedication will propel you
into a
successful businessman. |
❽ Stand Up To Pressure
As an
entrepreneur, you must have both a great
vision and great
courage to stand up to the pressures, both internal
and external. Your ability to stand up to pressure will help you
stay on course and never steer away from your vision and goals.
❾ Stop Perfecting,
Finishing something is paramount. It is more important that
perfection. “Done is better than perfect,” said Mark Zuckerberg.
Doing your best is what counts, yet no one is perfect. If you finish
something, you can always go back and
improve on it. |
❿ Stay Humble
Even if you became a billionaire, don’t refocus on buying fancy
things, expensive cars and luxury mansions. Instead, focus on
growing your company and live close to its campus.
Helping a billion people connect is
amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life. |
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook |