Effective Presentation
Make a Powerful
First Impression
First impressions
last. The audience will make decisions about you from your
first appearance, your words and the sound of your voice.
Keep in Mind
How you give your talk can be
more important than
you say.
Select Your Content
Focus on your audience, not
yourself –
tell them what they need to
know, not all you know!
Start your presentation in an unorthodox way, share something
extraordinary, tell an eye-opening story.
Communicate with
pictures to increase your influence over your audience. |
List all points you
plan to cover. Group them
in sections and put your list of sections in the order that best achieves
your objectives.
Begin with the
most important topics. When you put your
talk together, keep in mind why your audience would want to hear what you
have to say. |
Analyze Your Audience
Think from your audience point of view – try to understand your listener's
level of understanding, their map of reality, and anticipate what they want
to know.
Once you know what your audience wants, you can figure out how to "sell" the
benefits of your topic to them.
your passion show and increase the impact of your
Believe in the importance of your subject
be passionate about it! People feel
compelled to listen to passionate presenters and
cannot help but give them their undivided
attention. |