Why Customer Engagement: 5 Key Reasons


Lessons from Jack Welch

Behave Like a Small Company

  • Small companies have huge competitive advantages. Everyone in a small company knows the customers – their likes, dislikes, and needs – because the customer's thumbs up or down means the difference between a small company becoming a bigger company tomorrow... More



Building a Customer-focused Website

Top 10 Tips

  • Make your website interactive. Engage customers and other visitors. Allow visitors to interact with you and others; host a discussion forum or start a blog – it may encourage visitors to drop in more often... More

①  Build a Customer-Care culture – culture always trumps know-how in adoption of new approaches and tools.  >>>

Create Customer Value: 10 Lessons from Matsushita

②  Believe in and understand the power of employee advocacy and the social media networks – today people trust more opinion leaders, than brands. Allow and help your employees become positive and effective brand advocates.



③  Start with engaging your employees, especially those who understand customer needs and know what makes people buy. Employee engagement and customer engagement go hand in hand – engaged customers are built by engaged employees. Engaged employees become brand ambassadors, reach out to customers using social media tools, close more deals, and contribute more to overall customer satisfaction...  More

 ④ Organize a free flow of information to mobilize every department. Knowledge informs proactive engagement and innovation.



 ⑤ Empower employees – every employee must be enabled to own any customer interaction.

⑥  View customers as people, now transactions. Keep in mind that up to 70% of customer decisions are based on emotion.

Focus on Emotional Drivers

Empathetic Marketing

⑦  Optimize business designs for a frictionless and seamless customer experience.

⑧  Define an effective social media policy and ensure that employee posts are kept within this policy and best practices bounds.

⑨  Adopt flexible business processes and technologies to meet the changing needs of customers. Establish cloud-powered business processes – they are a rapid response to changing customer habits and expectations.

⑩  Partner with customers for improvement of existing or development of new products or services. Interactions with customers inform
innovation, engage employees on a deeper level and provide better customer and market insight. Establish a culture of innovation that continuously differentiates the customer experience.  >>>