Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving


Creating Customers    STAND OUT    Competitive Disruption


Create a Market Niche
Your Business

Differentiate from Your Competitors






3 Surprise to Win

To compete with other businesses and win customers over nowadays you need something unique that nobody else can copy. You must create a niche for your business. A niche is something that makes your business different from your competitors and positions is prominently.


Competitive Innovation


Competitive Differentiation





To create any kind of niche, you must:

Know your exact target audience: Think like your target audience or customers. Know their exact needs, deep motivators, wants, dreams, goals, problems and interests. Put yourself in their shoes, think like them. Observe people to discover their unrealized needs. Give them polls and surveys to find out what they're thinking. Pick or create a niche that none of your competitors are using, create a differentiated value propositions, incite passionate reactions, and teach the market about your new offering.

Know who your competitors are: Think! Use your brain power. Ask yourself how you can set yourself apart from your competition. What could you offer that they can't? Imagine that your business is the market leader. What niche put your business on top of all your competitors? Brainstorm, generate as many ideas as possible, and then select the really disruptive and winning ones.  >>>


7 Routes to High Profits

Design Customer Experience Journey as a Love Story

3Bs of Strategic Creativity

Competitive Disruption

Blue Ocean Strategy

Canon Creates a New Market Niche






Having selected your niche, you must develop a prototype and test market your new product or service. Does it appeal to your target audience? Will it attract people away from your competition? If it does, start developing your niche – fast >>>

To stay ahead of your competition and be successful and profitable over a long period of time, use this process several times in your business life.

Coaching by Example

Outside-the-Box Benefits of Innompic Games


7 Routes to High Profits

Benefits of Market Leadership

Launch a Crusade

Turn Problems To Opportunities

Sell Benefits












Set Godin advice

In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.

Set Godin


Carolline Ballweg advice quotes

Think different Break rules Create future



Guy Kawasaki innovation quotes

True innovation happens when a company jumps to the next curve – or better still, invents the next curve.




Steve Jobs advice quotes

Be crazy enough to think that they can change the world

Sell dreams and emotional benefits.

Steve Jobs


Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

If everybody else is doing it one way, you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction.

Sam Walton

Mikhail Zhvanetsky humorous quotes, Russian jokes

Discovering your place in this world is not enough,

you must also be the first to get there.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky