Grow a Win-Win Mindset
To grow a Win-Win mindset, you need to focus on
the development of three
character traits:
Integrity means treating everyone by the same set of principles.
Conforming reality to our words – keeping promises and fulfilling
expectations. Being loyal to those who are not present.
Maturity. Maturity is the
between courage and consideration. Expressing feelings and convictions
with courage balanced with consideration for the
feelings and convictions of another person requires maturity,
particularly if the issue is very important to both parties.
An Abundance Mentality. An abundance
mentality flows from a deep inner sense of personal worth and security.
It is a paradigm that states that this is a world of plenty and that
there is enough for everybody. It results in the sharing of prestige, of
recognition, of
profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities,
options, alternatives and
creativity. |