VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Win-Win Negotiations

Adopt and maintain win-win attitude and intent

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

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Author Innoball

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Strive to design and achieve the best-possible win-win solution in an efficient and friendly way.

A wise agreement benefits each party and all other stakeholders to the extent possible and makes each party feel satisfied with the results

  Win-Win Negotiation: 5 Strategies 5 Tactics Vadim Kotelnikovsoft skills e-coach


Negotiation is dance Wini-Win solution Vadim Kotelnikov quotes  

Effective Negotiation

Negotiation is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of resolving conflicting interests, coming to a joint decision, reaching an agreement that satisfies interests of each side to the extent possible.




Effective negotiation both creates the best-possible win-win solution in an efficient way and strengthens relationships between the negotiators.

The participants should come to see themselves as working side by side attacking the problem, not each other.

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See the Full Picture

In social interactions, a big-picture view can help progress in win-win negotiations and win-win conflict resolution. Paint a bigger picture that will help the both parties fly well above the minor barriers that block your progress now.


Social Skills

Social Intelligence

See the Full Picture

Six Blind Men and an Elephant




Understand and Manage Perceptions during Negotiation  

Take Perceptual Differences Into Account

The situation is the same, but each party perceives it differently. Develop perceptual awareness and empathy. Be willing to take different perceptual positions to get a deeper insight into driving forces, differences and synergy opportunities.




If you want your message to hit the target, make an adjustment to the wind.
Take different strategic perceptual positions. When you think Inside-Out, don't forget to think Outside-In as well if you want to move farther and faster in Win-Win negotiations.

To know your counterparts, become them.

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Sun Tzu: The Art of War

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

Sun Tzu



Prepare to Win-Win

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win," advises Sun Tzu in his classic guidebook The Art of War.

To prepare to win-win, play a simulation game, like InnoBall, aimed at arriving at a desired mutually beneficial solution by overcoming diverse anticipated barriers and challenges as you go.



Think Win-Win

Strategic Win-Win Negotiation

Yin and Yang of Negotiation

DOs and DON'Ts

Understand and Manage Perceptions

Sell Benefits

Principle-centered Negotiations

Shuttle Diplomacy

Ask Learning SWOT Questions

Getting to Yes

Wise Agreement

Humorous Advices

Getting to NO

Conflict Resolution

Win-Win Conflict Resolution

No-Lose Method









  Wise Agreement



Wise Agreement vs. Fair Agreement

Being fair is not enough if you wish to reach a wise agreement. You must understand the essence of a state of harmony to be reached, think strategically, look beyond the obvious and focus on satisfying underlying needs of each side to the fullest... More


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  Humorous Advices  >>  Getting to NO