Coaching by Example



Case Studies eRaritet

eRaritet is a Cimcoin-powered application that creates a new market of digital raritets ‒ various images such as photos, drawings, designs, collages, certificates, etc.

Cimcoin is an entrepreneurial firm with diverse drivers for entrepreneurship, such as technology leadership, making the the world a better place, empowering people around the globe, social responsibility and many others.

To provide attractive rewards for both "the soul and the wallet" of its people, leaders of the eRaritet project created a unique synergistic communication and motivation system that inspires both employees and various groups of target users such as young artists and sportsmen, celebrities, talented physically challenged people, philanthropists, social investors and others. The communication and motivation system consists of various emotional and virtuoso marketing tools such as videos, contests, creative promotional campaigns and social networking events... More


World changing innovation example: Cimcoin





Case Studies Monsanto

Monsanto was established in 1901 as a chemical giant. Monsanto was established in 1901 as a chemical giant. Starting from 1995, Monsanto transformed from industrial chemical company to a biotech company, then to a seeds company, and then to data science and service provider in addition to its traditional chemicals, seeds and genetic traits operations.  >>>

During 1995-97, it was undergoing a transformation named Core 32 to prepare itself for the twenty-first century and become a life sciences company.

Why Change Fails: 8 Common Errors

One of the areas of focus during this transition period was on communicating and building the desired corporate culture and motivated behaviors through traditional means like videos and newsletters as well as day-to-day conversations.

Robert Shapiro, the CEO of Monsanto, talks about the personalized conversations as perhaps being more important to the company's success than any other single factor: "Through a series of formatted small group conversations (as opposed to traditional workshops), employees are encouraged to discuss the transformation into a life sciences company ‒ the nature of the strategic business opportunities, what it requires for Monsanto to succeed, the desired culture, how to work together, the personal transitions required, and so forth. The idea is to address the issues at the personal level, and thus, create the desired sense of passion in each employee." Further, Monsanto launched a quarterly videoconference in which a panel of people selected from throughout the company, engage in a dialogue with the CEO about where the company is going. All employees are invited to submit questions.

Reward systems have been redesigned to focus on growth and instill a sense of ownership in the company. In 1996, Monsanto granted stock option to the 95% of employees who previously didn't participate in a stock-option program. In 1997, Economic Value Added (EVA) was adopted as the primary measure of financial performance. Incentive plans are tied to EVA, and employees eligible for management incentives have had a portion of their incentive converted into option.



Case Studies Wall-Mart

In his 10 Rules for Building a Business Success, Sam Walton, the Founder of Wall-Mart writes: "Communicate everything you possibly can to your partners. The more they know, the more they'll understand. The more they understand, the more they'll care. Once they care, there's no stopping them. If you don't trust your associates to know what's going on, they'll know you really don't consider them partners. Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitors."... More

Managerial Communication

Burson-Marsteller, a world's largest public relations agency,  created a company called "SynerGenics" that not only helps a company define its corporate culture but rolls up its sleeves with the company's executives to help them implement an "employee involvement" program. According to  Geoffrey Nightingale, the former President of SynerGenics, "the central problem in employee involvement is communication. When top management says to us, `We want a company that behaves differently,' we know the solution lies with communications." ... More