

Organizational Change: Enemies of Change

Why Change Fails





John P. Kotter, the author of Leading Change, listed the
8 Common Errors in Organizational Change Efforts:

① Allowing too much complacency

② Failing to create a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition

③ Underestimating the power of vision

④ Undercommunicating the vision

⑤ Permitting obstacles to block the vision

⑥ Failing to create short term wins

⑦ Declaring victory too soon

⑧ Neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the corporate culture

How To Avoid These Errors


Initially, as the 45th President of USA inexperienced in politics, Donald Trump failed to transform the country significantly. As the 47th President of the United States, Donald Trump started transformational leadership journey from Day 1 – powerfully and remarkably!

On the way, Donald Trump showed the world how not to make the 8 common errors when making big changes... More





Examples of Successful Change Management:

Donald Trump as a Transformational Leader

Apple: Steve Jobs as a Transformational Leader

GE: Create Change

GE: Organizational Transformation

GE: 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

BP: Organizational Change

Monsanto: Organizational Transformation

Unilever: Cultural Change