VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Value Chain Management

Business Design & Customer Value Creation

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Value chain is a high-level model of how businesses receive raw materials as input, add value to the raw materials through various processes, and sell finished products to customers.




Value Chain Management: Lean Value Chain and Production System  

 Today's companies manage the white space in entire value chains.

A critical pre-requisite for success in digital economy is the implementation of an integrated value chain that extends across – and beyond – the enterprise.




State-of-the-Art Value Chain

Collaboration on product design and development among all value-chain participants.

Collaboration with other chain members and application of lean techniques to supplier's operations allows the chain to respond rapidly in a continuously changing market... More


Business Design


8 Best Practices

Extended Enterprise

The Jazz of Innovation





IT-powered Value Chain

Information technology (IT) enables enterprises create a greater value for their customers. This includes improvement of existing products and/or services as well as creation of radically new customer value... More


IT-Business Alignment

Virtual Integration









Lean Value Chain

Start with value stream pilots to demonstrate lean as a system and provide a "go see model"... More


Lean Startup

Lean Manufacturing






Team Up with Suppliers

If your company really wants to operate efficiently and win customers you should team up and build synergy with your suppliers rather than bargain with them... More


Supply Chain Management

State-of-the-Art Supply Chain







Process-managed Enterprise

A process-managed enterprise supports, empowers and energizes employees, encourages their initiative, enables and allows its people to perform process work. Value chain leadership requires cultivation of a shared vision in all participants. The shared vision provides common direction and focus, motivates personal, team, and organizational learning, and thus enables all participants in the value chain to work toward common goals... More


Customer-focused Culture

Value Innovation

Customer-driven Innovation

Service-Profit Chain






PowerPoints for sale

Smart & Fast

Efficiency & Quality






Customer Intimacy

Customer intimacy is a high-potential source of growth, sustainable competitive advantage, and profits. Customer-intimate companies create a dynamic synergy with customers and  often merge their operations with those of their customers.


Leanest Value Chain example - joke, funny picture, boy sucks milk