Knowing People

Mental Maps: Three Basic Methods of Perceiving the World

Understanding How Your Own and Your Clients' Mind Work


"We see the things not as they are, but as we are." ~ H.M.Tomlinson


NLP Technology of Achievement Knowing Yourself and Others Mental Maps Ten3 Business e-Coach: why, what, and how

Recognizing the Type of Mental Maps of Others

Some Predicates – Preferred Words and Phrases –
Used by Visuals, Auditories, and Kinethetics1





bird's eye view

catch a glimpse





boils down to


... More

Recognizing the Type of Mental Maps of Others

Selected Characteristics1




maintain good eye contact

voice high-pitched, fast

good with directions

good visual memory

lower-pitched voice, rhythmic and smooth

try to sound good

like concerts and music

talk to themselves

feel hot or cold about you

frequent pauses in conversation

like to touch people and things



The Power of Mental Maps

People have different ways of communicating their experiences – some express themselves in pictures, others talk about how things sound to them, and others speak about how things feel.

A Mental Map is a powerful way of expressing the thought patterns, pictures and associations that already exist in the brain. "When new information is compatible with your knowledge structures it is accepted, when it does not mesh with your pre-conceived ideas or past experience it receives little consideration, is distorted or ignored."7

Same Reality, Different Perceptions

Ask Open Questions

Ask a simple open-ended question. Then, be quiet and make note of the exact words the other person uses. When a person answers an open-ended question, he stops focusing outward and goes inside his mind. At that instant, he becomes relatively unaware of the words he uses. Those words point back in time to meaningful memories and emotional experiences. Just listen. Most people tell you more about themselves than they think.9



Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges

Culture is often at the root of communication challenges. Exploring historical experiences and the ways in which various cultural groups have related to each other is key to opening channels for cross-cultural communication. Becoming more aware of cultural differences, as well as exploring cultural similarities, can help you communicate and collaborate with others more effectively. Next time you find yourself in a confusing situation, ask yourself how culture may be shaping your own reactions, and try to see the world from the other's point of view... More

4 NLP Perceptual Positions

Success Stories Best Business Practices Advertising Campaign for a Cruise-Line

Nicholas Boothman, a former fashion and advertising photographer, was briefed for a cruise-line photo shoot for a new advertising campaign. The agency team told him, "We know that everyone wants good food and fresh air when they go on vacation; that's given. But our research also tells us that people have sensory preferences. Some folks choose a vacation primarily for beautiful scenery; others to get away to somewhere comfortable, with activities; and yet others are primarily searching for peace and quite. We know that all three aspects are critical to the decision making process, but the final choice comes from satisfying the person's sensory preference."8 Boothman was told that his photos had to appeal to all three groups: the seeing people, the feeling people, and the hearing people.




  1. Selling With NLP, Kerry L. Johnson

  2. NLP Solutions, Sue Knight

  3. Ways of NLP, Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott

  4. NLP Technology, Harry Adler

  5. NLP - the New Technology of Achievement, Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner

  6. The NLP Coach, Ian McDermott and Wendy Jago

  7. Thinking Outside the Comfort Zone, Jerry Sentell

  8. How To Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less, Nicholas Boothman

  9. Reading People, Michael Lovas