Why Do People Resist Change?
Most people don't like change because
they don't like being changed, don't like their
comfort zone being penetrated, and prefer to avoid unexpected
results. |
When change comes into view,
fear and resistance to change
follow – often despite its
obvious benefits.
Enemies of
Change |
People fight against change
because they:
don't think that the change makes
sense, or
don't understand the change and its implications, or
fear the unknown, or
fear to lose something they value, or
don't want to leave their comfort
zone, or
avoid the unexpected by staying with
the comfortable, or
find it difficult to cope with either
the level or pace of the change, or
are not enthused by the leader.
Resistance to Change in the
Human and Organizational
Inertia. All organizations
suffer from inertia to some degree and try to maintain status quo. Change
requires effort, oftentimes, a significant one. So, don't underestimate the
power of fatigue and burnout...
Know How To Overcome Resistance
To Change
The secret of change is to focus
all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the
new. |
Socrates |
Example: British Petroleum
Employees resisted the
organizational transformation
initially. David Falvey spent
two years in discussions with
various groups of employees. The
change was more orchestrated
than directed by him. The
members of the organization
brought about change for