Marketing and Selling

Marketing Strategies

The Law of Heart

Adapted from The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Al Ries, Jack Trout and Paul Temporal



Marketing strategies without emotion will not work.

Emotion stimulates the mind 3000 times faster than rational thought. It's an emotional world we live in. Many people say we live in a rational world but nothing could be further from the truth. Emotions drive our behavior; the world is driven by emotions. Rational thought leads customers to be interested but it is emotion that sells. People really aren't much interested in attributes; they want to know if they can have a product that suits their personality. It is all about values., but conscious and subconscious.

Subconscious vs. Conscious

Emotional marketing is better in many instances than rational marketing that focuses on product attributes. Capturing minds is one thing; capturing hearts is quite another. Build emotions in your marketing strategies; don't always chase "share of wallet – chase "share of heart". Employ strategies that would make decisions very emotionally driven and remove the rational questions that might drive the prospect elsewhere.  >>> 





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Set Godin advice

Relying too much on proof distracts you from the real mission – which is emotional connection.

Set Godin