
Why People Purchase?
Why people purchase? And how to get more of
them to purchase from you now?..
What Is Perceived Value to
the Customer?
Competition is all about value: creating it and capturing it.
You can charge the customer the value provided,
regardless of its cost. If the
price charged for a product is commensurate
with the
benefits provided
or a
solution to a customer problem, then it will be considered a good value in the
mind of the buyer.
Define Your Internal Core
Marketing Message
To create a business-generating marketing
program, the first direction to go is inward. Before you create your
outward-reaching promotional materials, you've got to get a fix on your
internal Core Marketing Message –
in other words, what
customer value are you selling, and why should anyone care?...
Describe Your Unique
Differentiate – describe the unique advantages of your service over your
competition, and what makes you special, memorable, and stand apart from
your competitors. Strong
differentiation techniques include uniqueness,
leadership, attribute ownership, heritage, your philosophies and values,
use testimonies.
If you feel uncomfortable to boldly claim your
own special qualities, seriously ask yourself the question "What would
be different about the world if you were not here?" and your special
attributes will emerge for you.9
Surprise To Win:
3 Strategies

The best way to
communicate to potential buyers the value of a product is to let them
experience it.
Creative experiential
marketing, when applied correctly, will lead to greater impact for the
consumer, increased effectiveness for the advertiser, and even cost savings
relative to traditional advertising or marketing techniques...
Apple’s innovative
value proposition “The product as
an experience” stimulated great ideas when company leaders were contemplating a
new business model. For instance, Apple pioneered into a new business space and
defined a workable
business model
for downloading music...
Dell Computers
Dell Computers won business on
price, but the company provides also
high-quality products and services and maintains
relationships with their customers. Actually, Dell Computers have found
that the pricing was only one-third of their customers' decision-making
process; the other two-thirds represented service and support...