Emotional Marketing
Examples and Success Stories
Here are some "Thank You!"
messages from users.
"Thank you for making a positive
difference in my life."
~ Mike Hopley, Canada
"It is boosting my creativity!"
~ Udaysinh Patil, India
"It produces a 'bomb effect'!"
~ Mikael Henzler, Germany |

invented and use Emfographics
(emotional infographics) to
boost emotion-powered education
and marketing within my KoRe
e-Coach and elsewhere.
Here is an example
of a emfographics- powered slide.
I use emfographics-powered
slides everywhere, especially in my KoRe
e-Coach, speeches, and KoRe inspirational
If you
leave out the
content, you may have
the best specifications in the world
but people may not buy your product.
Tom Kelley
When Samsung Chairman Kun-Hee Lee
found the company's products gathering dust on store shelves, he
made it his company's priority to create stylish, premium electronic
products that sparked customers' emotions with elegant,
human-centered design. |
US-based multicultural team
at DuPont gained around US$45
million in new business by
changing the way decorating
materials are developed and
marketed. The changes included
colors that team members
new, from their experience
other cultures, would
appeal unconsciously more to
their overseas customers.
"In the factory we make
cosmetics; in the drugstore we
sell hope."
Charles Revson
Most people love food but for
Asian people, the link between
food and family values is
especially strong.
Cooking food in Asia is not just
an act, but a way of expressing
Like all human beings, Asian
people are emotional, but it is
not the Asian way to outwardly
express these emotions...