
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Transformational Leader

Specific Characteristics

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Transformational Leadership: specific characteristics  

Transformational leadership is about providing a radically new focus, leading a disruptive-change journey. More than other leadership approaches, successful transformational leaders are people-oriented victorious warriors who know and employ the power of burning belief as well as deep and sustained commitment.





Leading by Example

Successful transformational leaders are always visible and lead from in front. As proactive futurists, they lead by example and show by their attitude and actions how everyone else should behave.

Transformational leaders encourage followers by acting as a role model, motivating through inspiration and stimulating intellectually. They give their followers the courage to pursue the quest. They build trust and strengthen relationships. They stay firm against and overcome resistance to change.


Transformational Leadership



Leading Change

3 Masteries

Creative Destruction

Selling Dream, Hope, Self





Trumpformational Leadership


Top 3 Masteries of Donald Trump as a transformational leader are:

① Defrosting the status quo

② Breaking rules

③ Bold action... More




Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360







Transformational leaders create a desired future state that people identify with, a compelling picture of the future around which to rally. They articulate the vision, set shared stretch goals and motivate and empower people to attain them.

  Corporporate Vision - definition, how to create a great vision



Entrepreneurial Leader

Transformational leaders manage change proactively. They embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. They know how to overcome resistance to change and turn problems to opportunities.

  Leadership Attributes Entrepreneurial Leadership Entrepreneurial Creativity Risk Taking Results-based Leadership Take Action 4 Entrepreneurial Strategies Creating Sustainable Value Vadim Kotelnikov Coaching by Example Leadership e-Coach Transformational Leadership - Enrepreneurial Leader



Creative Dissatisfaction

Transformational leaders approach challenges in new ways. They break rules, stimulate people intellectually,  help people unlock their entrepreneurial creativity and make a difference

  Creative Dissatisfaction Drivers of Change Innovation Love Searching for Opportunities 'Why? What if?' questions 4 Levels of Problem Solving Creative Problem Solving (CPS) The Though Factor in Achievement 4 Types of Problems Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) Mindset VadiK Anticapitng Change VadiK VadiK Achiever Mindset Transformational Leadership Creative Dissatisfaction Mindset




Transformational leaders are charismatic. They succeed through a burning believe in themselves and their cause. They are inspired and energized. They inspire and energize others.

  Vadim Kotelnikov Denis How To Find Lasting Inspiration Be Witty Engaging Energize People Be Energized Confidence Be Charismatic Keys to Charisma, How To Be Charismatic Transformational Leader