
Vadim Kotelnikov

Business Architect




Organizational  Change


Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo   Business e-Coach 



Organizational Chhange System Organizational Change Innoball 6Ws of Change Management Change Program Leading Change 10 Essentials of Effective Communication Learning SWOT questions Systems Developing Employees Employee Involvement Benefits of Empowerment Attitude Motivation Cross-functional Teams Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction How To Create a Vision Strategy Formulation Creating Change Organizational Change System



Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements

Leadership (Fire):

Leaders create positive change and see change as an opportunity... More

Create an Effective Organizational Change System


Winning Organization

Organizational Fitness Profile    Enlightened Organization Quiz

Adaptive Organization    Innovation-friendly Organization

Opportunity-focused Organization    Process-managed Enterprise

7Ss Model    Centreless Corporation    Enlightened Organization Quiz

Organizations as Complex Evolving Systems    Organizational Fitness Profile 

Change Management

80/20 Principle    Making Big Changes

Leading Organizational Change    Transformational Leadership

Resistance To Change  >>  Overcome

Organizational Transformation

Innoball >> Examples >> Innompic Games as a Civilizational Breakthrough

War Games    The Art of War >> Know Your Enemy >> Become Your Enemy

The Wheel of Business Evolution

Starting Change with Yourself

Be Different and Make a Difference!    Self-Leadership    Self-Coaching

Corporate Leader

Business Architect >> Cross-functional Expertise    Systems Thinking

Leading Change    Making Big Changes >> 25 Lessons from Jack Welch


GE  >>  Transformation   Jack Welch Turns managers to LEADERS

Cultural Transformation at Monsanto  >>  Core 32 Program


Why Organizational Innovation and Change?

9 Signs of a Losing Organization

Innovation is not limited to new technologies, products and services. The organization structure is an integral part of the innovation process.

Success in business doesn't come from feeling comfortable. In today's technology-driven world, business life cycles have accelerated exponentially. The challenge is to keep a step ahead of changing market conditions, new technologies and human resources issues.

Why Change Fails: 8 Common Errors

Change Management: Yin-Yang Strategies 

Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Change

When choosing between evolutionary change and revolutionary action, you as a leader must pursue a balanced and pragmatic approach... More

What is Organizational Innovation?

Organizational innovation reflects the recognition that new ways of organizing work in areas such as work-force management, knowledge management, value chain management, customer partnership, distribution, finance, manufacturing, etc. can improve your competitiveness.

Workforce management includes such areas such as employee empowerment, new people partnership, and positive action to involve all employees in order to make work organization a collective resource for innovation)... More

MegaChange – an Organizational Transformation

According to William E. Joyce, MegaChange is a total systemwide cultural transformation of your organization. It means designing and transforming organizations based on assumptions of human capability rather than limitations using the tools of the modern resource-based management model... More

The Wheel of Business Evolution

The wheel of business evolution is a framework and a set of tools which enables you to manage the complex process of organizational change and transformation more effectively.

The sequence of the eight segments – business environment, business ecosystem, business design, leadership style, organizational values, management process, knowledge management systems, and performance measures – reflects the learning cycle that occurs when outside-in or bottom-up learning takes place... More 

View Your Business with an Outsider's Eyes

It is hard for your people to see the flaws and weaknesses in your organization and processes. They grown up in this culture and they might have developed a 'this is how we do things here' attitude – resistant to change and disruptive ideas. Some fresh blood in your management team will help you to see new ways to do things.

When you recruit, do not just look for people who will 'fit in' and conform to your corporate mould. Look for people who are different, can dare to challenge the status quo and bring some outside-the-box views into your organization.3

Behavioral Change

"Why this reluctance to make the change?
We fear the process of reeducation."
 ~ Isaac Asimov 

The challenge and the shape of an organization's behavioral change program depends on the corporate culture and the targeted behaviors that need to be changed.

Your change program needs to be explicitly built around these challenges. "Very often, these programs involve the creation of incentives which elegantly reinforce the desired behavior (and therein reinforce the change loop in the learning dynamic)."1

4 WHYs of True Success

Process-managed Enterprise

New enterprise-wide approach to business process management (BPM) removes many of the obstacles blocking execution of management intent. BPM makes it for companies to manage their business processes with great agility and stay laser focused on the organizational dimension of business innovation.2... More


Case Studies Examples





1. The Centerless Corporation, Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio

2. Business Process Management: The Third Wave, Howard Smith and Peter Fingar

4. Lateral Thinking, Paul Sloane