I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of Human
Excellence is
question oneself and others. |
Socrates |
Famous Sayings
by Socrates
3 Socratic Principles
Socratic Method |
Be slow to fall into
friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and
constant. |
Socrates |
to think like Socrates and other thought
Highersight enlightens and helps you
understand what others don't

I cannot
teach anybody anything.
I can only make them think. |
Socrates |
I decided that it was not
wisdom that enabled poets to write their
poetry, but a kind of instinct or
inspiration, such as
you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime
messages without knowing in the least what they mean. |
The Three Socratic Principles of
The three principles described
below are the basis of all of
Socrates teachings. Socrates
advocated self-understanding and
felt so strongly about it that
he deemed it more important than
any other pursuit in
These principles are what
Socrates thought were the most
important goals of philosophy.
your time in
improving yourself
by other men's writings so that
you shall come easily
by what others have labored hard for. |
Socrates |
2. Care for
your soul
The most important task in life is
caring for your soul. Your soul is the real person, who you
really are. It is the center of your
character and what makes
you who you are. It is the basis of your
thoughts, feelings,
values, and
decisions .
The most important task you face is
realizing your potential as a person, who you are.
He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the
wealth of nature. |
Socrates |
If your soul is good, then
outside forces cannot not harm you. If the most important
part of you is your soul and the soul is not physical but inward
then it cannot be harmed. The body may be harmed by another
person, but the soul cannot unless you allow yourself to become
susceptible to others.
The Socratic method is a major
contribution to the Western philosophy. Socrates applied his
dialectic method of inquiry largely to the examination of key
moral concepts such as the Good and Justice.
Socrates is considered to be the
father of political philosophy, ethics or moral philosophy, and
as a figurehead of all the central themes in
Western philosophy.
Socrates also developed an
effective approach to
problem solving.
He would break a problem down into a series of questions, the
answers to which gradually distill the answer a person would
The influence of this approach is strongly felt today in
the use of some scientific methods as well as in business
applications, such as the
5-Why technique...
would trade all of my technology
for an afternoon with Socrates.
Steve Jobs |