
Vadim Kotelnikov

Whatever you've achieved so far, you can achieve MILLIONS TIMES MORE!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Develop Yourself
as a
Manager, and Growth Master

  Self-Discovery e-Coach Virtuous Spiral Self-Education Vadim Kotelnikov Self-Leadership Self-Coaching Self-Discovery Self-Development Self-Stretching Self-Management, Self-Development, Self-Leadership, Self-Coaching


Growth Mecca, be a GREATbody, Vadim Kotelnikov

Do something today that your Higher Self will love;
change something in yourself today that your
future self will thank you for.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Be the Best Possible

Your achievements and the quality of your work is a measure of the quality of yourself.

Do you love what you do? How well do you do it? How difficult is it to replace you?... More



Vadim Kotelnikov

My definition of success in life is simple and utmost practical: your way of life is successful if you end up in heaven.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Self-Development: Visualize and Grow Your Future Self  

Keep Growing

Developing others starts with yourself. Keep growing. Aim to be the kind of manager who gets the best from staff, and who does the best for them. Use the GROW coaching model on yourself to improve your performance, develop a roadmap to your better self and lead yourself towards it.



Vadim Kotelnikov

Keep learning forward for if you strop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




Leadership Excellence A-Z/360






Assess Your Management Potential

Assess yourself to identify area in which you should improve:

What have I done well in the past year?... More


Develop Your and Others

Management-Leadership Synergy



Peter Drucker management quotes

Work, and hard, to improve the way you perform. Don't do work of any kind in a way you perform badly.




Guidelines for Improving Performance

Chose target results that "stretch" your abilities above and beyond your present limit... More


Get Coached

Smart & Fast Decision Maker





Modern Management Model





Bottom-Up Learning

For a manager, acceptance of the status quo is deadly. You must demand honest and continuous feedback from your constituencies. Subject yourself to the 360 degree evaluation process: ask not only your supervisors, but also your employees, customers, and peers to rate your management performance. Promise anonymity to encourage honest opinions.


Self-Assessment: Strengths 10-3-1

Self-Assessment 360

Leadership Attributes

Leader 360






Self-Futuring, self-development  

6-Step Action Plan

Identify your strengths

Improve your strengths

Increase your knowledge

Eliminate bad habits

Practice good manners

Avoid weak areas





Build Your Cross-Functional Excellence




Master of Business Synergiers (MBS) Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Cross-functional Expertise Entrepreneurial Creativity Vadim Kotelnikov New Business Models Synergistic Innovation Synergistic Margeting and Selling Synergy Synergistic Partnerships Synergistic Diversification Synergistic Selling Synergistic Marketing Innovation Portfolio Innovation System Value Innovation Surpise To Win Synergistic Organization VadiK MBS Master of Business Synergies (MBS)  

To raise to the ranks of senior manager, you must forego the quest for personal functional perfection and take the transformation from a team member of to the planner, coach, and facilitator of team performance... More





Head of Growth







Example of Self-Development

Trump 47 vs. Trump 45

As the 45th U.S. President and a change leader, Donald Trump disrupted the status quo. He led by example but that was not good enough because most of his initiatives were boycotted by officials around him. Trump learned from that experience.

As the 47th U.S. President, he started his MAGA disruptive-change journey by creating a powerful guiding coalition of transformational leaders. Trump set them disruption-focused tasks and empowered the guiding coalition as a team.



Trumpformational Leadership

Change Master

Creative Destructor

Trump's 8 Keys to Success as a Disruptive-Change Leader

Trump as a Winner

Speech by JD Vance





Change Management A-to-Z




Virtuous Spiral growth - waltz up with everything  

Waltz Up with Everything

The ultimate creative intelligence is Yin-Yang intelligence. It is about knowing how to make the universal forces of creative Yang and adaptive Yin waltz up as a harmonious whole towards a daring vision or a stretch goal.