Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) innovator venturepreneur trainer speaker

The most important
is to find
the most important difference that makes the difference


Find the Differences that Make the Difference

To grow your effective efficiency, see the whole picture, synergize management and leadership roles, think both inside-out and outside-in, and master highly impactful advanced soft skills.





Valdim Kotelnikov, a loving creator of global Blue Oceans

If you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.


Keep Learning

"There is always one more thing to learn," advised Steve Jobs. Be passionate about what you do as well as about learning. If you are truly passionate about your work and your partners, everything around you becomes your eye-opening and inspiring coach.






Manage less, lead more




Jack Welch advice business quotes

Lead more, manage less. Leaders inspire people with clear visions of how things can be done better.

Jack Welch



Jack Ma quotes

A leader should be a visionary and have more foresight
than an employee.

Jack Ma



As a Leader, you must envision the future, passionately believe that you can make a difference, and inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible.


3Ws of Leadership: Who, How, What

Inspirational Leader




Developing other people starts with the self. Aim to be the kind of manager who gets the best from staff, and who does the best for them. 



New People Partnership







Consider your values as well as your strengths, weaknesses, and personality. Carry out a Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis on yourself.

One of the essential values is honesty. If you are honest with yourself, you will treat other people honestly too. Never work with an organization whose values are unacceptable to you.

Do 360 feedback analysis to understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

Use the GROW coaching model on yourself to improve your performance, develop a roadmap to your personal success and lead yourself towards it.

Goal: identify specific goals you want to achieve... More

Self-Coaching: 6W Questions

Based on this information, form an action plan. Concentrate on your strengths and waste as little effort as possible on improving areas of low competence.

Ask everyone who works with you to form and adopt an action plan.

Test your knowledge to develop your abilities for managing and being managed by considering the following questions:

  • Do I know what everybody else does?

  • Do I know how they perform?

  • Do I know what they contribute and what results are expected?

  • Do I trust the people I work with?

  • Do I treat each of them as individuals?

  • Do I know their strengths?

Work towards a positive answer to each of them. Use "the mirror test" and make sure you pass it. It consists of one question: "What kind of persons do I want to see in the mirror in the morning?" ... More


Peter Drucker advice

Work, and hard, to improve the way you perform. Don't do work of any kind in a way you perform badly.

Peter Drucker