Global Incubator of Venture and Innovation Strategies
Our mission is to help innovative firms develop winning disruptive solutions and dynamic strategies.
GIVIS is a business unit a of the global centerless Ten3 corporation – at your 24/7 service!
Venture Management Laws
for the New Rapidly Changing Economy
By Vadim Kotelnikov, President, GIVIS and Founder of Ten3 Business e-Coach
If you understand it, it's obsolete.
If it's static, it's obsolete.
If it's certified, it's obsolete.
LEAD – Learn, Experiment, Adapt, Differentiati – if you wish to win in today's hyper-competitive marketplace!
Ten3 Business e-Coach
Our Focus Areas
Innovation Is Love
Innovation Management
The Jazz of Innovation
Innovation System
Systemic Innovation
Innovation Strategy
Entrepreneurial Creativity
Harnessing Diversity
Venture Management
Business Incubators
Corporate Venture Strategies
Opportunity-driven Business Development
Radical Project Management
Venture Financing
Venture Investing
Joint Ventures
The Tao of Business Success
Sustainable Growth Strategies
Strategic Achievement
Business Strategies
Competitive Strategies
Strategy Innovation
Strategic Management
Strategic Leadership
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