Innovation Success 360

Observe People
Discover hidden needs of prospective customers
Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo  Vadim Kotelnikov

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Yin-Yang of Observation-fueled Product Innovation

YIN (passive, accepting side). Uncovering what comes naturally to people.

YANG (active, aggressive side). Having the strength to change the rules.


IDEO's 6 Innovation Practice Tips

Apple's Design Process

Disney's Creativity Strategy





Design Thinking Process

The process of design thinking is a series of steps for gaining insights, setting objectives, generating options, testing strategies, and getting feedback. Observe people to uncover what comes naturally to them and discover their hidden needs. Observe disruptive people who can inspire creation of new trends in the marketplace... More


Design Thinking




Make Design Thinking Thrive






Serendipity as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Three Components of Serendipity

  1. Having a prepared mind

  2. Observing and noticing

  3. Being passionate about creating innovative Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and valuable connections... More

New-to-the-World Product Design & Development

The Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic of Innovation

According to IDEO




10 Commandments of Innovation

New Product Development (NPD)

Shift To New Approaches: 7 Reasons

  • Designers research into total human experience, not merely customer experience. In contrast to artificial situations of focus group discussions, designers prefer conducting in-context observations looking at the world through their customers’ eyes, empathizing with the soul, mind and body of customer.

 "People don't pay for technology. They pay for
solution to their problems or for something they
enjoy." ~ Dean Kamen 


Case Studies New Way to Cook Salmon

Many times customers use products in a way their manufacturers never dreamed of. This is why it's so important to spend time and money watching the customers while using the product.

To illustrate, guests at a wedding enjoyed the catering very much, and most of all the hosts received lots of praise for the salmon dish. Curiously they asked their caterer how he prepared the Salmon. To their surprise he willingly revealed his secret... "I cooked it in a dishwasher."

Case Studies Washing Machine: New Application

Whirlpool washing machines in India was studying the market for the Whirl products in Northern India. In the northern part of India, most people consume buttermilk made out of curd.

To company managers' surprise, many families used their washing machine for stirring curd and making buttermilk! The reason was simple: washing machines were cheaper than stirrers and more suitable. The company managers could not believe it! 


Case Studies IDEO

All IDEO-designed products were inspired by watching real people. "We are not funs of focus groups. We don't much care for traditional market research either. We go to the source. Not the "experts" inside a company, but the actual people who use the product or something similar to what we're hoping to create. It's precisely this observation-fueled insight that makes innovation possible. Uncovering what comes naturally to people. And having the strengths to change the rules," writes Tom Kelley in his famous book The Art of Innovation.

Trend Spotting Tips by IDEO

Observe people, customers and non-customers, especially enthusiasts.