





Bad Feedback vs. Good Feedback

Helpful Hints for Providing Feedback


By: Max Landsbeg, the author of The Tao of Coaching


Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you learn from it.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon



Bad Feedback

Good Feedback

Demotivates, focuses on blame; creates defensiveness and confrontation

Encourages, focuses on improvements – achieved or possible; creates trust and cooperation



Helpful Hints

Create a contract to discuss issues; use motivational coaching techniques.

Acknowledge player's feelings and needs.

Don't emphasize the fault; suggest a remedy.


Actionable Feedback

AID Model





Bad Feedback

Good Feedback

Problem-oriented; does not improve skills

Solution-oriented; improves skills



Helpful Hints

Focus on the problem, not the 'person'; uncover root problems.

Jointly paint the picture of desired skill.

Jointly develop practical steps.


Creative Problem Solving

Turn Problems To Opportunities



Bad Feedback

Good Feedback

Undermines confidence and self-esteem

Increases confidence in ability and potential



Helpful Hints

Jointly create positive – as opposed to negative – goals. Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones.

Balance negatives and positives – the right combination of both is the most powerful motivating mix.

Teach the coachee the rules of self-motivation.




Motivational Coaching

'Why? What If?' Questions





Bad Feedback

Good Feedback

Leaves person guessing

Clarifies the current position and what to do next



Helpful Hints

Verify with effective questions; ask for player's recap

Develop an action  plan jointly


GROW Model

5 NLP Steps to Success



Bad Feedback

Good Feedback

Leaves person feeling 'judged'

Leaves person feeling 'helped' and inspired



Helpful Hints

Use the Action – Impact – Desired Outcome (AID) model

Invite the player to assess own performance first; guide him/her by asking effective questions

Offer support for future


NLP Approach To Feedback